Tuesday, September 30, 2014

War against Islamic State: The key to the back door of Syria

War against Islamic State: The key to the back door of Syria. 53667.jpeg

If the West had not broken every law in the book in the last fifteen years in Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria, we might believe that its fight against Islamic State (IS) was a genuine posture of goodwill against an evil and barbaric regime, whose demise nobody would mourn. However this is not the case. IS is the key to Syria's back door.

The Islamic State has had many names since its beginning in 1999, when it appeared as Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad in Jordan, from where it moved into Iraq after the illegal US-UK invasion in 2003 and became Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), or Tanzim Qaidat al-Jihad fi Bilad al-Rafidayn. During the insurgency against the Western forces and the Iraqi army, several groups (including AQI) joined to form the Mujahideen Shura Council, becoming later the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI). When the West started to destabilize Syria by using terrorist groups to fight against the legitimate Government of President Bashar al-Assad, ISI became ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria), then ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) and today, Islamic State (IS).

The history of the development of Islamic State is a development which was wholly caused by Western intervention in the region, taking advantage of the void created in Iraq with the removal of President Saddam Hussein al-Tikriti and the space created in Eastern Syria with the arming of terrorist Salafist groups fighting against Damascus.

While the West did not actively create IS, IS formed as a result of Western policy and now suddenly, the FUKUS Axis (France-UK-US) leads the charge with a handful of European sycophantic lackeys and of course the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), Bahrain, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, any one of them with questionable to deplorable human rights records, as if the West could care less who it jumps into bed with.

And so the Great Alliance is formed without an active mandate from any international law-enforcing body. Let us then analyze the greater picture and this runs by removing President Assad and substituting Russian gas supplies to Europe with natural gas from the Qatari fields. It also runs by a desperate attempt by the Gulf States to stave off what has been promising to come for quite some time - a popular movement sweeping the monarchies off their feet, into the sea and distributing the vast wealth of the Gulf States among the people. So let us examine the different angles...

First, the operatives of Islamic State. How many of them were trained by NATO personnel in camps on the Turkish and Jordanian borders with Syria and released to fight the Syrian armed forces to topple the Government of President Assad?

Points to watch out for: Once the going gets tough, Islamic State fighters may start to speak out about how much support they have received from the West.

Secondly, the toppling of Assad has long been the objective of the Saudi Government, furious when the USA turned back from its plan to enter the Syrian conflict earlier this year, eager to get Washington back on board to attack Syria, the main ally of its main rival in the region, the Islamic Republic of Iran. It is said behind the scenes that the support of Saudi Arabia and the GCC States against IS comes at the price of a promise this time to go all the way to Damascus.

Points to watch out for: The inevitable Western mission creep, when bombing raids start to target Syrian Armed Forces units as the onus shifts from destroying IS to supporting the Free Syrian Army to take power in Damascus, form a Government and deny Russia its Mediterranean base, undermine the Russian natural gas supply to Europe by launching a new route from Qatar.

Thirdly, the involvement against Islamic State works ephemerally only in favor of President Assad, whose forces are combating them but also the Free Syrian Army, a more moderate anti-Assad group, but nevertheless a terrorist force destroying Syrian society, caught between the Syrian Arab Army and IS.

Points to watch out for: How long will it be before we witness open and massive support for the FSA against the forces of President Assad, including bombing raids to help them secure positions?

Fourthly, targeting Iran's main ally in the region and pushing Iran's influence back eastwards of Iraq would remove the Islamic Republic (Shia) as a regional power and a block to the interests of (Sunni) Saudi Arabia and the GCC States.

Points to watch out for: After Syria, who is next?

Fifthly, the Peshmerga (Kurdish Armed Forces) have long been allied to the West and this time around, continue to be armed by NATO countries to fight against IS.

Points to watch out for: Are we going to witness the creation of a pro-Western Kurdish State in the region?

Where it might backfire

Blindspots to watch out for: The unrest in the Gulf does not only come from Islamic State - the despotic rulers of the Gulf region have been cracking down on more representative movements since before Islamic State appeared. Iran might be the next target after Syria, but will Saudi Arabia and the billionaire Gulf Kingdoms survive as they are for much longer? Rather than the threat coming from outside, it might very come from Wahhabist and Takfiri groups within.

The bottom line

The bottom line is that Islamic State provides Washington with all the keys to all the locks on the back door to Syria and the padlock on its chains. It provides a carte blanche for action against Syria, first, Iran later, for the creation of a pro-West Kurdish State and the permanent destruction of any forces which would threaten the hegemony of the Gulf States in the region and the perpetuation of their ruling classes in power, guaranteeing easy access to the region's resources for the West.

As for Islamic State, the bottom line is that it is a savage and barbaric grouping which commits massacres, attacks women and children, and kills Moslems. According to the Quran 4:93, whosoever kills a believer intentionally spends the rest of eternity in Hell.

In fact, Islamic State also provides a flexible tool to be used and abused when the need arises and this tool can be used to further undermine Russia's economy and strategic interests.


Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey



Source : english[dot]pravda[dot]ru

Watch as Jay Leno’s McLaren P1 gets wrapped

Jay Leno McLaren P1

So, what would you do if you are the happy, proud and no doubt protective owner of an all new McLaren P1? You would want to protect it so it stays in its prestine condition for the rest of eternity, am I right?

Of course.

Well, that is what Jay Leno – former talk show host and swoon worthy car collector – did immediately when he got his McLaren P1 (because obviously Jay Leno owns a brand new McLaren P1…)

Jealousy aside, Jay invite chis viewers of his popular YouTube channel, Jay Leno’s Garage, to come with and witness as his latest addition to his ever growing car collection gets wrapped in a protective coating that will keep it looking spiff and spam for years to come – perhaps not for the rest of eternity, but, close enough.

Protective Film Solutions are the guys behind the clever coating and, in the video, explains to Jay and the viewers how the coating works and what it will protect it fro,. Then, the continue to cover his P1 in said coating right before our eyes.

The protective film goes all over the car with a special coating on the windshield that (should) protect it from cracking.

It might nit be the most exciting video we’ve ever seen come out of Jay’s garage, but it sure is interesting. Oh, and it also doesn’t hurt that it gives us an up close and personal view of the new McLaren P1.


Source: YouTube

Source : carblog[dot]co[dot]za

Monday, September 29, 2014

President Barack Obama does not speak for God


A Lesson on Good and Evil for Western Civil-Military Leaders

by John Stanton

President Barack Obama does not speak for God:. 53651.jpeg

Who in the world is Barack Obama to claim that "No God" would allow the Islamic State to exist and slaughter what it considers to be non-believers? His statement follows the same line of transgression committed by Bill Clinton and George W. Bush in their baleful appeals to God and Christ, even as they approved and presided over operations leading to torture, rape, murder and the wounding of large swaths of humanity. And this sinful vanity-- the claim to know God's Will, is precisely the sin that the Islamic State's Caliph, the House of Saud, the Vatican, the Church of England and all stripes of religious sects worshiping Prophets/Gods from Yahweh to Zoroaster make each and every day in the name of "good."

Let us turn to the Russian author of Life and Fate, Vasily Grossman, for a lesson on good and evil as the civil-military leaders of the 21st Century Western world appeal to their Gods to sanction suffering, censure, torture, murder and the creation of gulags large and small.

"Few people ever attempt to define 'good'. What is 'good'? 'Good' for whom? Is there a common good - the same for all people, all tribes, all conditions of life? Or is my good your evil? Is what is good for my people evil for your people? Is good eternal and constant? Or is yesterday's good today's vice, yesterday's evil today's good? When the Last Judgment approaches, not only philosophers and preachers, but everyone on earth - literate and illiterate - will ponder the nature of good and evil. Have people advanced over the millennia in their concept of good? Is this concept something that is common to all people - both Greeks and Jews - as the Apostle supposed? To all classes, nations and States? Even to all animals, trees and mosses - as Buddha and his disciples claimed? The same Buddha who had to deny life in order to clothe it in goodness and love.

The Christian view, five centuries after Buddhism, restricted the living world to which the concept of good is applicable. Not every living thing - only human beings. The good of the first Christians, which had embraced all mankind, in turn gave way to a purely Christian good; the good of the Muslims was now distinct. Centuries passed and the good of Christianity split up into the distinct goods of Catholicism, Protestantism and Orthodoxy. And the good of Orthodoxy gave birth to the distinct goods of the old and new beliefs. At the same time there was the good of the poor and the good of the rich. And the goods of the whites, the blacks and the yellow races... More and more goods came into being, corresponding to each sect, race and class. Everyone outside a particular magic circle was excluded.

People began to realize how much blood had been spilt in the name of a petty, doubtful good, in the name of the struggle of this petty good against what it believed to be evil. Sometimes the very concept of good became a scourge, a greater evil than evil itself. Good of this kind is a mere husk from which the sacred kernel has been lost. Who can reclaim the lost kernel?

But what is good? It used to be said that it is a thought and a related action which lead to the greater strength or triumph of humanity - or of a family, nation, State, class, or faith. People struggling for their particular good always attempt to dress it up as a universal good. They say: my good coincides with the universal good; my good is essential not only to me but to everyone; in achieving my good, I serve the universal good. And so the good of a sect, class, nation or State assumes a specious universality in order to justify its struggle against an apparent evil.

Even Herod did not shed blood in the name of evil; he shed blood in the name of his particular good. A new force had come into the world, a force that threatened to destroy him and his family, to destroy his friends and his favourites, his kingdom and his armies. But it was not evil that had been born; it was Christianity. Humanity had never before heard such words: 'Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again... But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you... Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.'

And what did this doctrine of peace and love bring to humanity? Byzantine iconoclasticism; the tortures of the Inquisition; the struggles against heresy in France, Italy, Flanders and Germany; the conflict between Protestantism and Catholicism; the intrigues of the monastic orders; the conflict between Nikon and Avvakum; the crushing yoke that lay for centuries over science and freedom; the Christians who wiped out the heathen population of Tasmania; the scoundrels who burnt whole Negro villages in Africa. This doctrine caused more suffering than all the crimes of the people who did evil for its own sake...

In great hearts the cruelty of life gives birth to good; they then seek to carry this good back into life, hoping to make life itself accord with their inner image of good. But life never changes to accord with an image of good; instead it is the image of good that sinks into the mire of life - to lose its universality, to split into fragments and be exploited by the needs of the day. People are wrong to see life as a struggle between good and evil. Those who most wish for the good of humanity are unable to diminish evil by one jot. Great ideas are necessary in order to dig new channels, to remove stones, to bring down cliffs and fell forests; dreams of universal good are necessary in order that great waters should flow in harmony... Yes, if the sea was able to think, then every storm would make its waters dream of happiness. Each wave breaking against the cliff would believe it was dying for the good of the sea; it would never occur to it that, like thousands of waves before and after, it had only been brought into being by the wind.

Many books have been written about the nature of good and evil and the struggle between them... There is a deep and undeniable sadness in all this: whenever we see the dawn of an eternal good that will never be overcome by evil - an evil that is itself eternal but will never succeed in overcoming good - whenever we see this dawn, the blood of old people and children is always shed. Not only men, but even God himself is powerless to lessen this evil. 'In Rama was there a voice heard, lamentation, and weeping, and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children, and would not be comforted, because they are not.' What does a woman who has lost her children care about a philosopher's definitions of good and evil? But what if life itself is evil?

I have seen the unshakeable strength of the idea of social good that was born in my own country. I saw this struggle during the period of general collectivization and again in 1937. I saw people being annihilated in the name of an idea of good as fine and humane as the ideal of Christianity. I saw whole villages dying of hunger; I saw peasant children dying in the snows of Siberia; I saw trains bound for Siberia with hundreds and thousands of men and women from Moscow, Leningrad and every city in Russia - men and women who had been declared enemies of a great and bright idea of social good. This idea was something fine and noble - yet it killed some without mercy, crippled the lives of others, and separated wives from husbands and children from fathers.

Now the horror of German Fascism has arisen. The air is full of the groans and cries of the condemned. The sky has turned black; the sun has been extinguished by the smoke of the gas ovens. And even these crimes, crimes never before seen in the Universe - even by Man on Earth - have been committed in the name of good. Once, when I lived in the Northern forests, I thought that good was to be found neither in man, nor in the predatory world of animals and insects, but in the silent kingdom of the trees. Far from it! I saw the forest's slow movement, the treacherous way it battled against grass and bushes for each inch of soil... First, billions of seeds fly through the air and begin to sprout, destroying the grass and bushes. Then millions of victorious shoots wage war against one another. And it is only the survivors who enter into an alliance of equals to form the seamless canopy of the young deciduous forest. Beneath this canopy the spruces and beeches freeze to death in the twilight of penal servitude.

In time the deciduous trees become decrepit; then the heavyweight spruces burst through to the light beneath their canopy, executing the alders and the beeches. This is the life of the forest - a constant struggle of everything against everything. Only the blind conceive of the kingdom of trees and grass as the world of good... Is it that life itself is evil? Good is to be found neither in the sermons of religious teachers and prophets, nor in the teachings of sociologists and popular leaders, nor in the ethical systems of philosophers... And yet ordinary people bear love in their hearts, are naturally full of love and pity for any living thing. At the end of the day's work they prefer the warmth of the hearth to a bonfire in the public square.

Yes, as well as this terrible Good with a capital 'G', there is every day human kindness. The kindness of an old woman carrying a piece of bread to a prisoner, the kindness of a soldier allowing a wounded enemy to drink from his water-flask, the kindness of youth towards age, the kindness of a peasant hiding an old Jew in his loft. The kindness of a prison guard who risks his own liberty to pass on letters written by a prisoner not to his ideological comrades, but to his wife and mother.

The private kindness of one individual towards another; a petty, thoughtless kindness; an unwitnessed kindness. Something we could call senseless kindness. A kindness outside any system of social or religious good.

But if we think about it, we realize that this private, senseless, incidental kindness is in fact eternal. It is extended to everything living, even to a mouse, even to a bent branch that a man straightens as he walks by.

Even at the most terrible times, through all the mad acts carried out in the name of Universal Good and the glory of States, times when people were tossed about like branches in the wind, filling ditches and gullies like stones in an avalanche - even then this senseless, pathetic kindness remained scattered throughout life like atoms of radium.

Some Germans arrived in a village to exact vengeance for the murder of two soldiers. The women were ordered out of their huts in the evening and set to dig a pit on the edge of the forest. There was one middle-aged woman who had several soldiers quartered in her hut. Her husband had been taken to the police station together with twenty other peasants. She didn't get to sleep until morning: the Germans found a basket of onions and a jar of honey in the cellar; they lit the stove, made themselves omelettes and drank vodka. The eldest then played the harmonica while the rest of them sang and beat time with their feet. They didn't even look at their landlady - she might just as well have been a cat. When it grew light, they began checking their machine-guns; the eldest of them jerked the trigger by mistake and shot himself in the stomach. Everyone began shouting and running about. Somehow the Germans managed to bandage the wounded man and lay him down on a bed. Then they were called outside. They signed to the woman to look after the wounded man. The woman thought to herself how simple it would be to strangle him. There he was, muttering away, his eyes closed, weeping, sucking his lips... Suddenly he opened his eyes and said in very clear Russian: 'Water, Mother.' 'Damn you,' said the woman. 'What I should do is strangle you.' Instead she gave him some water. He grabbed her by the hand and signed to her to help him sit up: he couldn't breathe because of the bleeding. She pulled him up and he clasped his arms round her neck. Suddenly there was a volley of shots outside and the woman began to tremble.

Afterwards she told people what she had done. No one could understand; nor could she explain it herself. This senseless kindness is condemned in the fable about the pilgrim who warmed a snake in his bosom. It is the kindness that has mercy on a tarantula that has bitten a child. A mad, blind, kindness. People enjoy looking in stories and fables for examples of the danger of this senseless kindness. But one shouldn't be afraid of it. One might just as well be afraid of a freshwater fish carried out by chance into the salty ocean. The harm from time to time occasioned a society, class, race or State by this senseless kindness fades away in the light that emanates from those who are endowed with it.

This kindness, this stupid kindness, is what is most truly human in a human being. It is what sets man apart, the highest achievement of his soul. No, it says, life is not evil! This kindness is both senseless and wordless. It is instinctive, blind. When Christianity clothed it in the teachings of the Church Fathers, it began to fade; its kernel became a husk. It remains potent only while it is dumb and senseless, hidden in the living darkness of the human heart - before it becomes a tool or commodity in the hands of preachers, before its crude ore is forged into the gilt coins of holiness. It is as simple as life itself. Even the teachings of Jesus deprived it of its strength. But, as I lost faith in good, I began to lose faith even in kindness. It seemed as beautiful and powerless as dew. What use was it if it was not contagious?

How can one make a power of it without losing it, without turning it into a husk as the Church did? Kindness is powerful only while it is powerless. If Man tries to give it power, it dims, fades away, loses itself, vanishes. Today I can see the true power of evil. The heavens are empty. Man is alone on Earth. How can the flame of evil be put out? With small drops of living dew, with human kindness? No, not even the waters of all the clouds and seas can extinguish that flame - let alone a handful of dew gathered drop by drop from the time of the Gospels to the iron present... Yes, after despairing of finding good either in God or in Nature, I began to despair even of kindness. But the more I saw of the darkness of Fascism, the more clearly I realized that human qualities persist even on the edge of the grave, even at the door of the gas chamber.

My faith has been tempered in Hell. My faith has emerged from the flames of the crematoria, from the concrete of the gas chamber. I have seen that it is not man who is impotent in the struggle against evil, but the power of evil that is impotent in the struggle against man. The powerlessness of kindness, of senseless kindness, is the secret of its immortality. It can never be conquered. The more stupid, the more senseless, the more helpless it may seem, the vaster it is. Evil is impotent before it. The prophets, religious teachers, reformers, social and political leaders are impotent before it. This dumb, blind love is man's meaning. Human history is not the battle of good struggling to overcome evil. It is a battle fought by a great evil struggling to crush a small kernel of human kindness. But if what is human in human beings has not been destroyed even now, then evil will never conquer."

John Stanton

John Stanton can be reached at captainking22@gmail.com


Source : english[dot]pravda[dot]ru

Corvette Stingray vs BMW i8 – Drag Race

BMW i8 vs Corvette Stingray

Ah, a classic drag race – there really is few things in life that give us the thrill of watching two, powerful sports cars go head to head in a bid to see who is the most powerful and of course, fastest. However, what happens if you pit a more traditional sports car against it’s modern counterpart?

Well this is what we’re super excited to find out.

YouTube channel, The Fast Lane Car, recently pitted a classic, 2015 Chevy Corvette Stingray against the all new, futuristic BMW i8 – and of course, as we all know, the BMW i8 is a hybrid electric car. So will it have the potential to destroy a full on, classic sports car such as the Stingray?

Many people in the automotive world has has doubts about the i8. Is it right to call it a sports car? Will it be able to legitimately compete with the legions of other sports cars out there? Especially the one’s with a rich history such as Ferrari or Lamborghini?

It seems the critics are divided as some argue that that the BMW i8 is most definitely sports car material while other say it is not.

Naturally, a simple way to settle this debate would be to have to take part in a drag race – because that is what all sports cars are built for, am I right?

BMW vs Corvette

So, this particular drag race between an all time classic and a modern, futuristic hybrid electric sports car will naturally be very interesting to watch. The Corvette Stingray uses a solid V8 engine to power itself and the i8 a combination between petrol and lithium-ion.

Who will come out on top?

Check out the video below to find out – you may just be surprised:

Source: YouTube

Source : carblog[dot]co[dot]za

Saturday, September 27, 2014

The Third Millennium: Where Politics has failed us

The Third Millennium: Where Politics has failed us. 53649.jpeg

Not one hundred years ago, in most countries of the world, women were not allowed to vote because they were considered too "hysterical" to form an opinion. The etymology of the word means "from the womb" meaning in other words that women needed a good "cavorting", then back to the kitchen with them. Are things that different today?

UK, Bombs Away! What again? Yes ladies and gentlemen there goes the US-led alliance bombing people again, imposing freedom and democracy from 30,000 feet in the sky, this time supported by the Gulf Cooperation Council (Saudi Arabia, where women cannot eat with forks because, and I quote, "A woman putting four hard prongs into her mouth at mealtimes can give a man bad ideas", Qatar, with its equally abominable human rights record, Bahrein, with an even worse human rights record, Jordan and the United Arab Emirates, with a human rights record that is better but by no means "kosher").

And of course, after a vote in Parliament, Britain is in, as we can see on British television interviews with members of the public who look the camera full in the face and yell "Gi' it to 'em" (Give it to them). Here in the USA, it would be "Give them Hell!" And of course France, eager to bomb in Iraq but less so in Syria.

So here we go again, ladies and gentlemen, bombing the crap out of regions thousands of miles away from the US of A, thousands of miles away from the United Kingdom and France, its new bedpal. Bombing the crap out of houses and homes and roads and vehicles and hotels and schools and hospitals, once again. Targeting the bad guys but whoops! Sorry! Oh deary me, shucks! Didn't mean to, eh what? Bombing children, blasting the faces off kids, blasting the legs off babies, destroying maternity wards, strafing homes for the mentally ill. Precision bombing they call it, and we have seen it all before. KA-BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! (screams) Welcome to Washington's external policy. This is after all the development they promised at Gleneagles, the 0.7 per cent of their GDP.

We have seen it in Afghanistan where wedding parties were bombed because people were firing Kalash's into the air (as people do in that part of the world), we have seen it in Iraq where the Shock and Awe campaign ranked among the most inhumane massacres in history, cheerleaders who else? The US of A and its wannabe sidekick, the UK. We have seen it in Libya where NATO forces accused Muammar al-Qathafi of strafing his own people (lies) but then they themselves took part in an internal conflict, aided terrorist forces against the Libyan authorities and once again used military hardware against civilian structures.

And the word "terrorist" is pertinent, because the Government of His Excellency President Saddam Hussein al-Tikriti was keeping terrorists out of Iraq, just as the Government of Muammar al-Qathafi was keeping terrorists out of Libya, just as the Government of Bashar al-Assad is trying to keep terrorists out of Syria.

And there goes the West once again, involving itself in a complex region, trying to enter Syria this time by the back door, after allowing Islamic State to form in the void which the West created.

Back to the word politics, and back to etymology. The origin of the word "Politics" is the Greek, Politikós, meaning pertaining to citizens. And here we go...

One hundred years ago women were not allowed to vote because, it was felt, they needed, and I apologize, a good "cavorting" in bed, and as such they had no participation whatsoever in the affairs of State. They networked, they became politically active, they managed to bring their cause to the front line of politics and then won the right to vote.

Alongside women, workers' movements and social movements won victories which are enshrined in the Constitutions or status quo visible in all societies today: universal healthcare, universal education, women's rights, children's rights. These were victories won with the blood of heroes representing the four corners of the Earth, from Australia to America, from Russia to England, from Cape Town to Copenhagen.

These were victories which were the result of heroic efforts by extraordinary, selfless, brave and visionary people, men and women, providing for a better and more dignified life for the generations which were to follow.

Hitler and his minions ruined the next generation, but the victories remained. After the storm had passed, the Social (Welfare) State, providing public services for all, appeared, along with universal healthcare programs, universal education programs, the gains that had been won with blood, sweat and tears seemed to be sacrosanct. While the Soviet Union and COMECON existed, providing these public services for free or at heavily subsidized prices, the West followed suit.

In the Soviet Union and the countries which asked for its support, education was free, at all levels (primary, middle, secondary and higher), healthcare was provided for free, many Westerners went to the USSR for treatment because it was excellent, a job was guaranteed, meaning zero unemployment, a house was guaranteed, meaning zero homelessness. There was safety on the streets, there was security of the State, there was meritocracy, there were youth movements, there weren't serious drugs problems or porn or paedophilia. No western filth.

When the Soviet Union and its system was gone from the political scene after the voluntary dissolution of the Union, things started to fall apart the world over. Education became a business, healthcare became a business, public services have been eroded, the right to work has disappeared, giving way to a situation in which the entire work market has become slave labor.

Increasingly, to get a job you have to work for free as an intern, or else pay for an induction course, which does not guarantee you a job. The interns get two 6-month  prolongations of their work contracts if they are lucky then a boot up the posterior before the permanent contract is to be signed. The result is that the entire work market has been undermined. Those who get jobs are those willing to work 18 hours a day for the minimum wage, and when it is time for the permanent contract to be signed, they are replaced.

This happens in journalism, this happens in medicine, this happens in commerce, in engineering, you name it.

As regards getting a house, as regards getting an education, as regards getting healthcare, as regards having a secure professional and personal life, as regards being able to walk around the streets near your house as and when you wish, the bottom line in the West is the word "drama".

On the international front, how many more wars and bombing campaigns are the western "democracies" going to get involved in and to what extent do the citizens of these countries agree with another bombing campaign? To what extent are the daily lives of the citizens affected in the countries responsible for the appearance of Islamic State through their own incompetence and illegal intrusion in the sovereign State of Iraq? To what extent have these citizens been given access to the political process, to the decision-making process and the discussion process around the decision to bomb?

Have things changed much since a century ago? No, they have not. Today the voters are involved, not respected, once every four or five years before an election campaign when they are fed lies and promises, which are broken, and are excluded from the entire decision-making process during the term of the Assembly or Parliament. How democratic is that?

It is as democratic as the exclusion of women from the vote a century ago, since when we have had two horrific world wars. The people are today as far away from the political process as back then and the result is the fewer people involved in policy-making, the worse the policies are. Let us just take a look at the world around us.

Photo: Emily Davison, Sufragette, heroine for women's rights, martyr


Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey



Source : english[dot]pravda[dot]ru

Friday, September 26, 2014

Ferrari unveils new 458 Speciale A


Ferrari never ceases to amaze us. There is just something about this legendary automaker that makes us go weak at the knees – and we’re pretty sure they know that they have this effect on a lot of people.

The latest creation to come out of the Ferrari garage is undoubtedly one of their finest. In terms of design, looks and power, the Ferrari 458 Special A is absolutely gorgeous – and finally t has been revealed in all it’s Italian glory.

After leaked images of the car appeared all over the internet this past week, Ferrari decided that it was time the world was officially introduced to their new baby (well, really they didn’t have a choice after it spread like wildfire through the internet).

So, ladies and gentlemen, here it is, the all new Ferrari 458 Speciale A. 

The Ferrari 458 Special A is actually called the Ferrari 458 Special Aperta. Aperta meaning open. The company will only manufacture 499 models of this type and to is billed to be the most powerful Ferrari ‘drop top’ in their long history.

And yes it has a drop top. But unlike the coupé, this car is a hard top convertible that can release and retract its roof in a mere 14 seconds. You also do not have to worry about the added weight of the aluminium roof – it only  adds approximately 50kg to the entire weight of the car.

As for the engine; it is as powerful and beautiful as you would imagine.




The Ferrari 458 Special A has a 4.5 liter, V8 engine that delivers 597 horsepower and can go from 0 – 100 km/h in a mere 3 seconds. That’s fast.

The inside is just as delicately designed and classy as the outside. Carbon fibre runs throughout and the interior offers Alcantara wrapped seats finished off with beautiful 3D sticking and technical fabric.

Ferarri has not revealed official pricing for the car as of yet, but, you can be sure that the Ferrari 458 Special  will set you back quite the pretty penny.

It will make its official debut at the Paris Auto Show in October.




Source: CarBuzz

Source : carblog[dot]co[dot]za

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Here is Lexus’ NX custom designed by Will.i.Am


The other day we reported on Lexus’ latest collaboration with music producer/singer/automotive designer Will.I.Am in ann effort to promote their new NX crossover.

As you may know, Will.I.Am has tried his hand at designing custom cars in the past – some of which resulted in extremely strange and rather weird hybrid versions of well know cars.

However, as Lexus promoted their new NX, so did Will.i.Am and, amidst wild speculation as to what the end result would look like, we are surprised to say that the “extremely stylised version’ of the NX crossover is actually not bad at all. In fact, we’ll go as far as to say that this car has that ‘boom-boom pow’.

Revealed last night at Paris Fashion Week, Will.i.Am looked rather satisfied with his creation as he revealed it to  handful of cheering fans. 

There are various modifications to the car, but overall, it still looks like a Lexus and it still looks rather stylish and classy.

The most apparent modifications is the wide-body kit, black tinted panoramic glass roof, brushed carbon fibre and vinyl and a matte, pearl white exterior. As for the inside, it has a monochrome colour scheme accompanied by Nappa leathers covered seats that are embroided (by hand) with Will.I.Am’s ‘WillPower’ logo.

Furthermore, the interior features brushed aluminium floor mats and a smart infotainment system.

But perhaps the coolest element of Will.I.Am’s Lexus NX F Sport, is the 4, 180-degree cameras that capture panoramic photos and videos as you drive. If you would like to see what the cameras have captured, you can simply stream the footage to either the driver or passenger’s smartphone via Bluetooth.

Check out the advertisement Will.i.Am shot for the new Lexus as well as pics of the car below:









Source: Motor Authority

Source : carblog[dot]co[dot]za

2014: Clash of civilizations?

2014: Clash of civilizations?. 53633.jpeg

At the beginning of the Millennium, much was said about a clash of civilizations between the West and Islamist movements, terminology which was unacceptable to the former and more and more used by the latter. Today, we see increased intrusion by the West not only in Islamic States but also in Eastern Europe and growing hostility in the world community against the international politics practiced by Washington and its Poodles.

Yesterday, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, David Cameron, spoke on television in the USA, using buzz phrases such as "a successful democratic and pluralistic State", referring to Syria, Iraq and Iran. And here lies the crux of the matter.

How democratic is it for Scotland to be ruled by a Tory Party in Westminister, London, England, when a single Tory Member of Parliament was elected by the Scots, out of a total of 59 seats (41 for Labour, 11 for the Liberal Democrats, 6 for the SNP - Scottish Nationalist Party and 1 for the Tories. But guess who constitutes the Government?)? How democratic is it for David Cameron to be Prime Minister of the UK when he was elected by a minority (36.1% of 65% of the electorate)? The answer from David Cameron might well be that it is nobody else's business and that the internal affairs of the United Kingdom pertain to the British and Irish people living there.

Fair enough, on one condition: that the United Kingdom in return does not stick its nose into the internal affairs of other countries, which, as we have seen, is simply not the case. One look at the list of horrors perpetrated by members of NATO in general and the FUKUS Axis (France-UK-US) in particular in recent years proves the point.

In Kosovo, armed intervention outside the auspices of the UN Security Council involved NATO personnel in the internal affairs of a sovereign State, arming and aiding the terrorist elements fighting for the KLA - Kosovo Liberation Army (Ushtria Çlirimtare ë Kosovës), who had been beheading Serbs, raping women and girls and carrying out terrorist strikes against the authorities.

9/11 and the invasion of Afghanistan by the same NATO forces was predicted back in 1998 by Mullah Omar when the Government in Afghanistan refused to accept a bribe from the United States of America to build a pipeline across the country. The entire Western intervention in this country has ruined the socially progressive policies enacted by the Socialist Governments in the 1970s, Governments which were overthrown by the West's foot soldiers, the Mujaheddin, which later morphed into the Taliban movement. Terrorists, in terminology used in the West.

Iraq, invaded illegally by the US-UK alliance, destroying a sovereign State, rendering it dysfunctional, deploying military hardware against civilian targets, another invasion outside the auspices of the UNSC, a policy directly responsible for the appearance of Islamic State in the void which followed the removal of a Government.

Libya, where the FUKUS Axis used terrorist forces on their own lists of proscribed groups (such as LIFG), to again totally destabilize a State, in which the most shocking and horrific war crimes were perpetrated by the terrorist forces and by their NATO skymasters, firing at civilians and non-combatant military units. Today, we hear, the French are allegedly selling combat materials to Misratah for an assault on Zintan to be launched in the forthcoming days and weeks. The entire country is in utter chaos, and once again, this is the entire responsibility of the West.

Syria, in which the West again cavorted with terrorists and saw the game spin out of control. A history of abject disaster, a history of lies, intrusion, murder, war crimes, disrespect for the United Nations Organization and its Security Council, disrespect for the West's international partners. And in Ukraine, the game goes on.

The legally elected President, Viktor Yanukovich, was overthrown in an illegal coup orchestrated by the USA (whose Vice President's son Hunter Biden is now well placed in the Ukrainian energy industry), the result being a Putsch Government of Fascists, terrorists and nationalists who disrespected the Russian-speaking people of South-Eastern Ukraine, threatened to murder them, whose supporters committed Fascist massacres, and then issued anti-Russian edicts in the greatest display of political stupidity and myopia witnessed in recent history.

The result? Today the Western countries, Member States of NATO, are by and large unable to spend the two per cent of their GDP on military expenditure which they are obliged to do under the NATO Alliance Treaty, while the USA is spending 4 per cent of its GDP and has a national debt of 17 trillion (thousand billion) dollars. The total amount spent by NATO, anyway, amounts to some one point two trillion USD every year - 1.2 thousand billion USD of taxpayers' money, for what?

NATO embroiled in Afghanistan where thirteen years on the Taliban still have not been defeated, a country in which NATO has been paying the Taliban not to attack, and where opium production has skyrocketed since the invasion in 2001. Is that what the western taxpayers are paying for? NATO increasingly involved in Iraq, where its policies contributed directly towards the appearance of Islamic State, whose removal is now going to take years, according to experts. How much more money is that going to cost, quite apart from human and animal lives lost? Is this what the western taxpayers are paying for?

Libya, a country in chaos, with city fighting against city, tribe fighting against tribe, region fighting against region, a country where the capital city is in the hands of terrorists, whose main airport is unusable, all the direct result of the West's criminal intervention in 2011, totally against the law in force under UNSC Resolutions 1970 and 1973 (2011). The FUKUS Axis is wholly responsible for the situation and is wholly liable for a reconstruction strategy which will cost countless billions more. Is this what the western taxpayers are paying for?

Add to this Syria, add to this Ukraine and we have a nice tidy little demonic package of imperialist ventures which have bankrupted the USA, the UK and France, and to a lesser extent, the Poodle States which crawl around their legs.

Will things change?

No they will not, because this is not about a clash of civilizations, it is about a clash of policymaking and the reason why things are as they are is because the Western States are not democracies, they are corporate feuds, controlled by the lobbies which dictate policy. Those involved at the grass roots level of politics are genuine, are interested and are by and large, selflessly working for the common good.

Yet as you get higher up the scale, you find that those placed in positions of importance, namely the positions near to foreign policy and the military-industrial complex, are placed not through personal skills but rather through connections. The way it works is like this. A lobby has decided to take control of a certain area of business. Its lackeys are the Foreign Affairs Ministry (today a business bureau) and the Ministry of Defence (the cutting edge of policymaking). The person(s) responsible for these Ministries have already been chosen, not because their Curriculum Vitae matched the job description best, but because their CV totally matched the job description to the letter, due to the fact that the job description was drawn up line-by-line based upon their CV.

They are unelected by those whose personal lives are sacrificed to pay trillions of dollars of their hard-earned cash for the results we see today. Quite how cowed, cowardly and spineless the citizens of these countries have become is a case study in social psychology, quite how manipulated and gullible they have become defies logic.

It is not a clash of civilizations, it is a clash of policymaking by illegal, unelected, undemocratic lobbies. And it is a case of tacit approval and acceptance by citizens who pay to keep the show on the road.

Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey




Source : english[dot]pravda[dot]ru

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Should You Share Pics Of Your Kids On Social Media?

When we think of kids and social media, we often think of the bad things, like cyber-bullying, cyber-predators and over-sharing of personal details that can leave our kids vulnerable. But what happens when it’s not the kids who are over-sharing on social media, but the parents?

When does sharing a photo of your kid doing something goofy on your Facebook, Instagram or blog, (or all three!), go from being something cute and lighthearted to something potentially embarrassing and upsetting for your family? 

In a recent news story from the States, a Mum has copped criticism for posting a photo of her daughter online that has since gone viral, in order to ‘shame’ her for cyber-bullying actions.  In the image, the daughter, Hailey is holding up a sign that reads, “My name is Hailey. I am a kind, caring, smart girl, but I make poor choices with social media. As punishment, I am selling my iPod and will be donating the money to the charity Beat Bullying in hopes of changing my behaviour as well as bringing awareness to bullying. Because bullying is wrong.” 

When this Mum decided, rightly or wrongly, to post this image of her errant daughter online to teach her a lesson, she would have had no idea that it would have caused the media sensation that it has. This photo of her daughter could have just ended up being another imgur file, only seen by a few hundred or maybe a few thousand people. But when the image was picked up by the website, reddit, suddenly she has made her daughter world news.

While this is an extreme form of over-exposure of kids on social media, it does highlight an underlying issue. When we post images of our kids online, unless we employ strict privacy controls, we don’t actually have much power over who sees them and for what purpose. While we can make many of our social media accounts private, what happens if you’re a blogger who decides to show images of your kids on your blog? Is there an age where should stop posting photos of our kids online without expressly asking them?

This question of age-appropriateness was one that was recently addressed in the Aussie blogosphere when a prominent Aussie Mum blogger made the decision to stop posting photos of her son on her site. Despite her blog being heavily populated with images of her young son since its inception, she’d decided that since he had just started school, he had ‘outgrown’ her blog space and so she would no longer be including photographs of him on her site. In this case, the age of asking consent started at five, but what age, if any, do you think should be the ‘cut off’ for being able to exhibit images of your kids in your social media world?

Do you share photos of your kids on social media? Do you think about how they would react if they saw these images in a few years when they’re older? What do you share, and what wouldn’t you?

Source : parents[dot]nickjr[dot]com[dot]au

A 'Goebbels propaganda prize' for the corporate western media?

A 'Goebbels propaganda prize' for the corporate western media?. 53621.jpeg

Pravda ('Truth') is indeed aptly named: its factual, accurate and objective reporting on current geopolitical events stands in stark contrast to the lies that are churned out and regurgitated daily by the Western media, for which 'Falsehood' would be an appropriate collective description.

by Professor Arthur Noble

To counteract the farce of the Nobel Peace Prize awarded to the EU for sowing chaos and violence across the Eurozone countries, a similar prize should be invented, called 'The Joseph Goebbels Propaganda Prize', and awarded - this time justifiably - to the corporate Western media for their lies, distortion and censorship of events in Ukraine.

Goebbels, who was the Nazis' notorious Minister of Propaganda and an arch-liar, said in 1933 that the bigger the lie and the more often it was repeated, the more people would believe it, even if no evidence could be produced. Make the lie big, keep telling it, and it will eventually have the desired effect of brainwashing its victims. Goebbels further claimed that the secret of propaganda was to 'saturate' its intended target so completely with its lies that the target would not realise that it was being 'saturated'; and Hitler himself called propaganda a 'weapon' for use in the service of war.

These are the exact same ingredients that have been assimilated by the West's current anti-Russian propaganda machine, and it is no accident that the German-led, Washington-supported and NATO-facilitated Brussels EU has been widely designated as the Nazis' 'Fourth Reich', achieved through treachery and trickery in the disguise of a respectable economic union.1

The West's Ministry of Propaganda

The sheer blatant hypocrisy of the warmongering propaganda spewed out by the NATO powers deliberately falsifies reality by concealing the fact that what the West is doing is exactly what it accuses Russia of doing. It likened President Putin to Hitler and portrayed its own geopolitical policy as a war to achieve 'freedom' and 'democracy', while the real Hitlers are the leaders in Washington, Brussels and NATO, and it is the Russian President who is the real peacemaking democrat.

The aim of the NATO powers is in fact the same as Hitler's was - to turn Ukraine once again into a strategic springboard against Russia by first establishing military bases on Russia's very doorstep. This time, however, the plot was thwarted thanks to the statesmanship and peace efforts of the Russian President, whose so-called 'expansionist' plans were in fact a hypocritical concoction by the West to cover up NATO's plans for its own eastward expansion.

The main purpose of the West's propaganda is to stand truth on its head. It was the West, not Russia, that stirred up conflict and civil war in Ukraine by orchestrating, supporting and funding the fascist-led coup d'état that ousted the democratically elected and OSCE-approved President Viktor Yanukovych in February 2014. It was Russia that brought peace to Syria last year by averting a Western military attack; it is Russia that is now seeking a peaceful solution to the conflict in eastern Ukraine; and yet now that the ceasefire appears to be holding, further sanctions are being imposed by Washington and Brussels, proving that a continuation of the chaos is required for the West's own political ends.

The saturation technique

To this end, Western reporting on Ukraine still continues to be 'saturated' - the precise term used by Goebbels - with slanders and non-facts, such as references to the 'Russian-backed forces', 'terrorists', 'separatists', 'militias' and 'saboteurs' resisting the 'democratic government' in Kiev, whose illegally installed fascist Pravi Sektor, Svoboda and other Nazi forces in charge of the police and army are cordially referred to as respectable 'government officials'. Such terminology of brainwashing is repeated ad nauseam until the dupes of the Western media believe the lies to be the truth.

Even more repugnant about the Western propaganda offensive is its selective censorship and intentional distortion of the inhuman and genocidal actions perpetrated by Kiev's Nazi-dominated militia in the eastern regions of the country - the cold-blooded killings of innocent civilians; the targeted shelling and bombing of residential villages and municipal suburbs; the holocaust-like trapping and burning of civilians in Mariupol; the shooting of unarmed citizens in the back; a scorched-earth policy reminiscent of a Hitlerite Blitzkrieg; and, most characteristic in the propaganda context, the arrest, maltreatment and killing of Russian (and even some Western) journalists intent on reporting the truth but labelled 'spies' in the jargon of Western media.

Of course, the Western powers have a convenient 'explanation' for all their atrocities and breaches of international law. They put the blame on some fictitious 'Russian intervention' and cite Russia for the breaches of human rights and the genocide of which they themselves are guilty.

NATO - the North American Terrorist Organisation

Nor has there ever been any admission in the Western media that the crises in Crimea and Ukraine were deliberately engineered as part of NATO's systematic encirclement of Russia since the dissolution of the old Soviet Union, or that this blatantly violates promises made to Russia during the process of German reunification in 1990, for example by US Secretary of State James Baker, that there would be "no extension of NATO's jurisdiction for forces of NATO one inch to the east" after the Soviets agreed to let a reunified Germany join NATO.

Despite this, ten East European countries were subsequently absorbed by stealth into the military alliance, and in an extraordinarily reckless move NATO is still attempting to incorporate Ukraine unofficially into the EU in order to use it again, as Hitler did, as a proxy force to threaten Russia. Why was Ukraine's illegal putsch President Petro Poroshenko the sole non-NATO head of state who attended the recent NATO summit in Wales?

It should never be forgotten that the purpose of NATO was entirely altered in 1999 when Blair and Clinton transformed it from a purely defensive international alliance into a vehicle for limitless aggression under pretexts such as 'defending human rights' or 'spreading democracy'.

Today the same one-world conspirators who destroyed Yugoslavia are employing their familiar tactical principles against Ukraine. Under the pretence of promoting 'freedom and democracy', they first malign a target country's president as a Hitler (Milosevic then, Yanukovich now). They then proceed to breach international law and the UN Charter by interfering in the internal affairs of a sovereign, OSCE-recognised state, aligning themselves with fascist minorities to achieve their geopolitical goals.

Is the West waking up?

Today the same tactics and the same Goebbels-like propaganda continue unabated and are even being intensified. Washington has been spearheading a massive propaganda smear campaign attempting to blame Russia for the downing of flight MH17. In the absence of any proof and the withholding of the evidence which the White House claims to have but does not want to release because it would put the blame where it really lies, Moscow should pursue the US for slander in an international court of law.

Respected US politician, journalist and academic Dr Paul Craig Roberts - former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy, Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal, and columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service and Creators Syndicate - cites another example of blatant propagandistic lies: Russia's current humanitarian aid to eastern Ukraine. He asks whether Western propagandists are "fooling themselves":

"The latest absurdity coming out of Ukraine, the EU and Washington is that the humanitarian aid that Russia and the Red Cross are trucking into the former Russian territories that comprise eastern Ukraine is a trick, a deception, a pretext for Russia's invasion forces. Such a preposterous lie tells us that Western propagandists have no respect whatsoever for the intelligence of Western peoples. [...] Even a moron should understand that if Russia wants to send military forces into Ukraine, Russia doesn't need any pretext, much less a joint humanitarian venture with the Red Cross. [..] The opposition from Washington, Washington's EU vassals, and Washington's stooges in Kiev to the inflow of humanitarian aid is due to the West's desperate attempt to keep the world from knowing about the massive destruction by Washington and its stooges of civilian lives, housing, and infrastructure in those former Russian territories who are directly threatened by the Russophobic extremists that Washington has installed in power in Kiev. [...] One day the Europeans will wake up. When they do, they will realize that Washington does nothing for them except to protect them from a non-existent "Russian threat", while imposing dramatic costs upon them by employing Europeans as levies in Washington's war for hegemony over the world. Sooner or later Europeans must realize that this role assigned to them by Washington is not in their interest and leads directly to World War III in which Europeans will be the first casualties."2

1 Simon Heffer: "Rise of the Fourth Reich: How Germany is using the financial crisis to conquer Europe"; Mail Online, 23 August 2012: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2026840/European-debt-summit-Germany-using-financial-crisis-conquer-Europe.html#ixzz24MCARI6l. See also: Paul Anthony Taylor et al.: The Nazi Roots of the 'Brussels EU' (2010), p. 24, http://www.relay-of-life.org/nazi-roots/chapter.html; T. H. Tetens: The New Germany and the Old Nazis (1961); Rodney Atkinson: The Nazis and Fascists who founded the European Union and their Influence today (2008).

2 http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2014/08/13/washington-chokes-truth-lies-paul-craig-roberts/

Source : english[dot]pravda[dot]ru

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

3D printed car printed in less than 48 hours

Local Motors 3D printed car

There is absolutely no doubt about the fact that 3D printing is taking over the world. It is one of the most revolutionary inventions of our time and has captured the attention and imagination of many across the globe.

Just the thought of physically and quickly being able to print a three dimensional object in the comfort of your home (if you so wish) is rather intriguing.

That’s why so many people have started experimenting with 3D printing and seeing how far they can push the boundaries with this new technology. One such company that wasn’t afraid of taking things to the next level, is a company called Local Motors. In fact, they dreamt so big, that actually 3D printed a car. For reals.

I mean, we have seen some pretty out there thing seeing printed in 3D – from prosthetic limbs to weapons and guns (that actually work) – there seems to be no end to the imagination of those capable of 3D printing.

Local Motors, however, is the first company we’ve heard of that actually decided to print a full size, drivable car.

Sure, its being printed component by component, but it is still incredibly impressive, and, if it actually works well, has the power to change the way we think about manufacturing cars (although we’re pretty sure no one would want a plastic car…)

At the recent International Manufacturing Technology Show in Chicago, Local Motors showed off their latest invention.

The company actually printed a plastic car, live, in front of the thousands of attendees. To be technical, they printed components of the car which included the chassis, door panels, seats and other components – all into one piece.

The first part of the phase, which included the printing of all of these parts, took less than 48 hours and was completed in a mere 44 hours. Pretty impressive indeed.

James Earle, engineer at Local Motors, said that in the future, it may only cost $7000 to manufacture a car, which of course is significantly less than it is now.

It will certainly also open up the possibilities of custom car design. As Earle says:

“You can make a vehicle for yourself that’s basically a one-0ff, do the entire design…[sic] You could create custom-fit seats that conform to your shape, things like that, that you couldn’t do with cars now.”

Well, we are certainly very impressed – and would jump at the opportunity to 3D print our own, custom car.

Check out the video on the process below:

Source: Business Insider

Source : carblog[dot]co[dot]za

Notes on my struggle with fascism

By John Fleming

Notes on my struggle with fascism. 53617.jpeg

In totalitarian America, nonstandard freedom of speech is frowned on, and the police snuff it out. The authorities require any demonstrators to get a permit, thereby allowing them to eliminate the Constitutional right to redress of grievances based on a pretext. The Constitutional right to protest is all or nothing; so soon as you allow the Fascists to demand a permit, the right vanishes. They come up with a pretext to ban what they find distasteful. As usual, the Constitution that is so precious states absolutely nothing about a permit. He who would understand class society must study the pretext.

American society punishes differences, and if the police discover that you are emotionally different, they will punish you based on pretexts. American Fascism is one of the least tolerant societies the world has ever seen. It demands conformity. Thus, so few Americans speak a foreign language. The police annihilate the unenforced Bill of Rights. How naïve it is to assume that freedom of speech and of the press somehow enforce themselves! The police TASER, shoot, club, gas, assault, beat and illegally arrest the people they are supposed "to serve and protect." They have woefully excessive authority, which they viciously abuse. The police enjoy de facto immunity from prosecution and are not held morally accountable for their behavior. There are written and unwritten laws; the former are not the important ones. Instead, written laws bear but a faint resemblance to the unwritten laws, which are the reality that guide behavior. The unwritten law indicates that the police are never arrested or prosecuted for their crimes. The police, in other words, are free to do whatever they want and commit with impunity whatsoever crime they wish. All history shows that you have the devil to pay when society ceases to hold a group morally responsible for its behavior.

The justice system is corrupt. The police do not arrest their fellow police. Internal affairs is a whitewash intended to obviate actual punitive action by the people. The men at internal affairs never met a complaint they could not obliterate with the most outrageous casuistry, sophistry and pretexts. Prosecutors do not prosecute their fellow prosecutors, and judges do not judge their fellow judges. Prosecutors become judges and judges become prosecutors. Prosecutors know the judges, who are on friendly terms with the prosecutors. Judges and prosecutors have offices next to each other. And all the Fascist police, prosecutors and judges have the same employer! Having one and the same employer is a totalitarian annihilation of the pre-guilty defendants such as the world has never seen. Additionally, for some strange reason, the prosecutors office is entrusted with turning over to the defense certain key documents needed to defend oneself, but the prosecutor has a vested interest in delaying or withholding delivery of the documents, and to do so he will invent 1001 pretexts. It is outrageous, criminal, corrupt, nasty and barbaric, but you are powerless under Fascism to claim your rights.

Since 2010 the St. Louis County Police have been terrorizing, harassing, torturing, stalking, beating and illegally arresting me. They arrested me 12 or 15 times and leveled five charges against me, one a felony wherein I tried to citizen arrest a man who rammed his van into my car. The judge, the corrupt Celeste Endicott, ruled some 20 times in favor of the prosecution but not once in my favor. Endicott is factually deficient in knowledge of the law, twisting and distorting everything to the prosecutor's advantage, and continually maintains that my cases must go to trial. "Don't worry, if you're innocent you'll be acquitted." Why do not we just put the entire state of Missouri on trial-someone could have cheated on their taxes or rolled through a stop sign!? However, that bimbo reasoning does not account for why an innocent man should have to go through a trial in the first place, and why Endicott refuses to dismiss a single case, saying that THAT would be criminal! In reality, there are numerous reasons for dismissing a case before trial that have nothing to do with evidence, such as misbehavior by the police, destruction and ignoral of exculpatory evidence and the lack of prima facie evidence to support prosecution. Endicott is a Fascist whore with logic outHeroding bizarre. Also, she rushes through my case, refusing to give me adequate time to develop my argument, saying that the court is full of people whose cases need to be disposed of. But is that my fault? Justice should not be rushed. Given the bigotry and lack of reasoning and logical ability of Americans, I dread to go to trial. The people of Fascism were never considered very bright. Horror stories abound of innocent men being railroaded by authorities and a dingbat jury. And nobody cares! If you get a 20 year sentence ruining your life, believe me, no one is going to help you, however outrageous the circumstances. American prosecutors send innocent men to ten or 20 year prison terms as though they were ordering lunch.

In particular, a prick policeman named John F. Reddick is letting me have it. He illegally arrested me six times, he assaulted me along with two other police henchmen while I was handcuffed in my own basement, and Reddick the inflamed penis (red=inflamed and dick=penis) deprived me of five days of freedom by kidnapping me and locking me in a hospital based on the pretext that I needed to be diagnosed. The inflamed Penis also lies like a politician; he is one of the most fabulous liars the world has ever seen.

Reddick is an NSA terrorist. Reddick picks up an extra paycheck from the NSA for murdering, stealing from, terrorizing, harassing assaulting and home-invading innocent targeted Americans. Riddick is known in the trade as a HUMINT, or human intelligence, which in reality merely means that the imbecilic asset is a person and not a computer or weapon. Certainly, I do not need to strenuously argue to show that Reddick, with his Oxford man police academy education, has no intelligence, regarding an intellect as unnecessary. Thus, HUMINT is a misnomer, yet it is what 50,000 domestic terrorists are known as in the U.S. All the NSA vermin should be imprisoned or executed, but the corporate-censored media is turning a blind eye to the issue.

In 2010 a 700 pound thug named Dorsey Pitman assaulted me out of road rage. Pitman ground his truck to a stop, ran at me and then proceeded to throw at me one brutal punch after another, hundreds of them. He then told the responding policeman, none other than the Inflamed Penis, that he did not throw one punch at me! Such lies come in favor in Fascism. Since Pitman was a former cop known by Reddick, the Inflamed Penis stretched the net of the Blue Code of Silence, the conspiratorial shutting-up code of the police, to fill his police report with one lie after another. Reddick then had the effrontery to take his police report full of lies to the prosecutors in Clayton to demand I be prosecuted for a crime. A corrupt police whore named Joyce Kelly rubberstamped Reddick's request without even making a single phone call. Kelley and the other St. Louis County prosecutors send men to prison with no thought.

Reddick claimed in his police report that he could find no witnesses to Pitman's assault on me. In reality, Reddick dismissed all the witnesses without writing down a single name, address or phone number. This might be compared to a fire engine pulling up, igniting a raging blaze and then driving off. A policeman is supposed to gather evidence, not eliminate it. The day I was assaulted was a beautiful Saturday and there were three garage sales being held on the street. There must have been 25 witnesses to the fight that ensued after Pitman charged me and punched me. But the Inflamed Penis claimed-and got away with obstruction of justice, perjury, disorderly conduct and witness tampering-that there was not a single witness!

The brutal madman Pitman deliberately smashed my eye glasses again and again with his boots. Clearly that is destruction of property, and the 700 pound tub'a'lard should have been prosecuted, but Reddick never saw the smashed glasses because he refused to interview me and get my side of the story, although he lied and said he did talk to me. Replacement of the glasses cost me $152, but with Fascism on his side Pitman will probably never have to make restitution.

The fat prick Pitman also brought a weapon with him-a metal chain. He was slapping it against my body during his enraged explosion. But Reddick never looked for a chain on the person of Pitman since he never let me tell him about it. Reddick once again committed the crime of ignoring exculpatory evidence.

While being processed like cattle in jail I was twice asked if I had suicidal thoughts; both times I said no, yet someone maliciously put me down as suicidal. If you are "suicidal" you are deprived of social company (ostracism), stuck in solitary confinement, denied a healthy diet and exercise and sunlight and bathing facility-in other words, you are exposed to the very conditions that encourage suicide in the first place! A doctor at the jail promised me he would reverse the error and take me out of solitary, but he never did. Prisoner requests move at glacial speeds, whereas commands from the Fascist bullies to keep order are executed at lightning speed. Zimbardo has shown how sadistic guards can be. In practice guards and nurses do everything to get through their shift with as little exertion and trouble as possible. They thus brutalize the prisoners over whom they have absolute control, and the guards have no compassion.

A sadistic nurse was intent on me signing a form; I refused, since it could be used as "evidence" against me. The nasty whore resorted to physical torture. She deliberately withheld from me analgesic medication and vitamins, and would not let me have the balm unless I signed. A seeming concern that you not commit suicide is not evidence of jailer solicitude for the prisoners. In fact, it is used to facilitate control of the prisoners. I asked a guard, a black man, about the Constitutional rights prisoners were entitled to. "None of that don't make no difference in here," he replied. Indeed the Bill of Rights is not worth the paper it is printed on. If it is human rights abuses alleged in American propaganda that you want, forget about Russia and China and head straight for the county jail.

The goal of humanity remains the classless society.

John Fleming

John Fleming is author of the book Word Power, available through Amazon.com

Source : english[dot]pravda[dot]ru

Monday, September 22, 2014

This is how you do proper stunt driving

stunt driver McComas

Whether its in an action film, super hero movie or suspenseful thriller, the chances are when you watch a bog budget Hollywood movie, you’ll see some kind of stunts being performed. And when these stunts involve cars, we get really excited.

Stuntmen and more specifically stunt drivers have the scariest, most dangerous and no doubt most exhilarating fun jobs in Hollywood – or at least we think so.

They get to drive around (usually very fast) in super cool cars and then crash the, flip them or spin them in manoeuvres we can only dream of.

Mike Musto of the Drive channel recently spent some time with famed Hollywood stuntman and stunt driver, Tom McComas to pick up a few tricks when it comes to stunt driving.

Tom McComas has been driving (and crashing) cars on film for more than a decade, so its safe to say he knows what he is doing.

He showed Mike Musto some basic tricks for stunt driving and, while it all looks fun and super exciting, it does have an element of danger – which is not always a bad thing.

McComas showed off his skills in his own, personal stunt-customised Ford Crown Victoria.

Check out the video below – and need we say, please don’t try this at home!

Source: YouTube

Source : carblog[dot]co[dot]za

Friday, September 19, 2014

Shin Se Ha Seoul Auto Salon 2014

Model Shin Se Ha at Seoul Auto Salon 2014 for WheelBore, a company specializes in rim protectors.

Shin Se Ha Seoul Auto Salon 2014 WheelBore

Shin Se Ha Seoul Auto Salon 2014 WheelBore

Shin Se Ha Seoul Auto Salon 2014 WheelBore

Shin Se Ha Seoul Auto Salon 2014 WheelBore

Shin Se Ha Seoul Auto Salon 2014 WheelBore

Shin Se Ha Seoul Auto Salon 2014 WheelBore

Source : koreangirlshd[dot]com

Open Letter to Islamic State

Open Letter to Islamic State. 53601.jpeg

I address myself to the organizers and followers of Islamic State, appealing for a process of dialogue and sense in a world that is spinning out of control, riven with sectarian and religions violence, appealing for a new approach which will counter the loathing felt towards you and the determination to destroy you.

Let us start with the magazine Dabiq, which provides a telling window into what Islamic State is. Dabiq is the name of the magazine published by Islamic State and takes its name from the Battle of the meadow of Dabiq (Marj Dabiq), a town in Northern Syria. This battle marked a decisive victory for the Ottoman Empire against the Memluk Sultanate, a battle which opened the gate for the Ottoman conquest of much of the Middle East.

This magazine has been described by many commentators as "slick" and "professional", by others as "shocking" or "apocalyptic". I start with Dabiq for two reasons: first, it fails to achieve what it aims to do, and serves as a good pointer as to where Islamic State's weaknesses lie and secondly, those who appear as opinion leaders speaking about the magazine do not appear to know what they are talking about - another fine example of how blind the West is to cultural issues outside a packet of potato chips, a pile of popcorn, some carbonated chemicals in a plastic bottle and some idiotic nonsense on a TV screen.

As someone who has been involved with journalism and writing from a very young age, and who has held all the positions possible in the profession, from junior correspondent to administrative clerk, from page editor to editor to senior editor to chief editor, from project manager to director, to international coordinator to executive director, to partner and owner of online publications, paper weekly and monthly newsletters, newspapers and magazines, I claim to know something about the area.

Dabiq appears to be a glossy, coffee-table publication with a layout which may fool those who have never worked in the printed media. In fact, it is very 1990s and typical of the type of lettering and rubrics chosen by wannabe publishers whose vision starts and ends at the end of their nose. If Dabiq had a paper edition, it would cost around 6,000 USD per 5,000 copies to print with that type of paper, and after distribution costs had been paid, the gross income would be around one USD per copy sold. The problem is, they wouldn't sell anything more than maybe 250 at the most for the first issue, 81 for the second and perhaps 29 for the third. So as a project, Dabiq would fail miserably after the first few editions.

As for its content, it looks like a glossy magazine version of a leaflet distributed by a religious sect, or the scribbling of the town nutcase who changed his name to Photon, who wears a pointed aluminium foil cone over his head to protect him from proton beams being directed at him from Planet Zog and who prints a hundred flyers a week on his home printer entitled "Photon beats Proton". The article titles follow the lines of "It's either Islamic State or the Flood", or "The Da'wah of Nuh", an "us and them" approach used by the Mormons when they knock at your door and read selected passages from the Book of Mormon or from the Bible, or from those execrable couples who wander around in pairs with briefcases knocking on doors at some uncivilized hour on a Sunday morning, offering to talk about God when all you want to do is nurse your hangover.

For those who do read the leaflet or open the door looking for an escape, the result is the same. A gullible, confused and powerless, jobless person yearning for a cause to release himself from the doldrums of his drab and dreary, boring daily existence will be a white page for those with a poisoned pen to write upon.


But here is the rub: who is writing? I firmly believe that in order to say or write anything of any substance, one has to do a lot of listening and reading before any speaking or writing. This means that before one can speak about any theme relating to religion, one should read the texts, and this includes the Qu'ran. The message from this noble book is basically one of peace and balance between Humankind and our surroundings and all of its contents should be taken with this message in mind. Islam is peace, period.

Therefore statements such as "All Moslems support one another" in some Holy War to kill Christians and then converge on Palestine and kill the Jews, insinuations that only a small chosen group will survive and the majority will be killed, run hand in hand with prophetic statements made hundreds if not thousands of years ago at a time when story-telling was the evening entertainment, in which parable and parody and poetic license sexed up a story with metaphorical illusions, a pre-IT virtual reality sparked by the need for entertainment and fueled by human imagination.

Like the dodo and the dinosaur, such an approach has no place in today's world except perhaps among a handful of dreamers, at best and murderers at worst. One buzz-word used by Islamic State is the Crusaders and the Crusades. Understandably, Moslems abhor these mass murderers as much as the civilized world abhors the evils, xenophobia, homophobia, racism and exclusive approach adopted by Nazi Germany. Yet how can today's Islamic State aim to garner any degree of acceptance or sympathy if they behave in exactly the same way as the Crusaders they so despise?

Beheading journalists and aid workers and planning to take a random member of the public and perform a demented act of murder shocks and frightens people. For a day or two. But then what happens? Such barbaric and inhumane, unhuman acts of butchery provide the collective conscience of humankind with a steely resistance, a sullen hatred and a rock-hard determination to put a stop to what is unacceptable. Such acts serve to unite humankind, to unite former foes, to forge closer bonds between formerly warring parties, to denounce the perpetrator as having no place among us. It is a statement of collective values, an unstoppable force and an immovable mass of morals and morale.

Moreover, such violent acts run against everything that Islam and the Qu'ran stand for. Islamic State is, apart from being a cancer in our midst, an insult to Mohammed and a blasphemous evil which brings Islam into disrepute. Far from uniting Moslems, it is dividing them - even al-Qaeda has denounced Islamic State as an evil sect.

True, on the other side there is ignorance and arrogance, a lack of understanding and a crusade of imperialistic caprices which today underpins Western policy and fuels such hatred. Nobody has been more vociferous in countering Western policies over the last fifteen years than I, but that does not mean that I should or could support a group which preaches and practices more of the same.

True, Islamic State is not just a terrorist group. It has scholars, administrators, it has Sharia courts, military strategists, law enforcers, indeed it has the semblance of a State. But a State does no go around raping little girls, sodomizing little boys, decapitating powerless and defenseless prisoners, violating human rights and harassing women, committing torture and murder. Such acts belong to the Devil, not to Islam or Allah and those who practice them walk on the dark side.

If that is how the followers and supporters of Islamic State wish to be identified and remembered, they are doing a very good job. Yet in so doing, there are consequences and in their heart of hearts, the foot soldiers of Islamic State know very well what is coming, because they have stirred up one of the largest and most powerful nests of hornets the world has seen in recent history. Many of them will be aware of what is coming for a split second between hearing a thud and feeling a splatter on their cheek from the comrade who was sitting beside them, and then the feeling of numbness as a bullet explodes in their brain leaving a hole in the middle of their foreheads. No more dreams.

Perhaps the one gesture which could bring someone to the negotiating table and bring Islamic State onside as a political organism, gaining a degree of credibility as radicalism is exchanged for pragmatism, would be to release Alan Henning and the other hostages, whose only crime was to perform in their daily lives what Islam preaches: sharing and charity, while Islamic State practices the opposite. Perhaps this one gesture could get the frightened and disillusioned young men who flocked to the IS cause back home with their families to celebrate together and put this nightmare behind them. Those who stand in their way are evil.


Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey



Source : english[dot]pravda[dot]ru