Saturday, November 29, 2014

Why Modern Mums Rely on “Dr Google” For Our Parenting

We’re living in an era where our pre-schoolers tell us we should “…just Google it” when we don’t know the answer to something (that’s been my experience with my 4 year-old when I don’t know the answer to one of his many questions). 

“Google” has become part of our vernacular.  So much so that it’s become a verb. We “google” answers to our pressing parenting questions. We “google” information.   

And this is why modern mums have become so reliant on technology.  We’re looking for answers to our questions (and as mums we know that there are just so many questions that we have on a daily basis). And we need that information now.

Nick Jr Parents, Multi Channel Network (MCN) and Baby Center have recently released new research about how technology has impacted modern mums in today’s society.  And it shed some interesting insights into how modern mums are using technology to assist them in their role as mum.

The findings showed that 59% of millennial mums (those mums who were born between 1982 and 2003), were likely to be a part of a social media group and 42% said they take advice from people in the group seriously. 

But have you ever paused to think about why we revert to Google to answer our questions and solve our parenting conundrums? Why are online forums and social media so helpful for modern mums?

A couple of years ago my (wise) Mum said to me after I had my first son, “Stop reading all the information online.  It’s going to confuse you even more. We didn’t have access to all this information when you were a kid and you turned out perfectly fine.”

And I agree to some extent.  But the parenting landscape is different these days.

We do have access to an infinite amount of information. And we do have online support forums.

We’re relying on digital information primarily because we can.  Modern mums are often time-poor and so we need quick access to reliable information.  Google and online forums and social networking sites can provide this for us (and this information can be delivered to us in the palm of our hand while we sit on a bus, or wait in a surgery). We can read about how other mums have found solutions to our parenting dilemmas. 

For many modern mums, that traditional family and community support networks no longer exist.  Many modern mums are often not living in close proximity (or even in the same country) as their mums and extended family members.  And so we revert to social media and online forums to fulfill this need to feel supported and connected. And this can be great- we can “chat” online when we’re having a difficult day, or facing a parenting challenge.

As busy mums, we’re often juggling a myriad of things.  Life is busy in the modern world.  And so we want to make a concerted effort to maximise any time that we do have with our children.  We want what’s best for our kids. And so we revert to online information to ensure that we’re informed about the best ways to support our children’s development.

As a modern mum myself, I’m grateful for this online information and support.  Dr Google has been called upon many times in my short parenting journey already (as has my Mum!) and I know that Dr Google will continue to help me in my parenting pursuits.

Source : parents[dot]nickjr[dot]com[dot]au

Friday, November 28, 2014

The American legacy

The American legacy. 54036.jpeg

By Dave Harrison

When Osama bin Laden was killed in cold blood in Pakistan and many demanded to see his death-photos for verification, President Obama refused and said, "That's not who we are," which begs the question: Who are the Americans?

Are Americans the ones who annexed the Philippines, denied them their own republic and then engaged in a war (1899-1902) with those who opposed them at the cost of 1.4 million Filipino lives? Are they the ones who burned villages, murdered their entire populations, and rounded up all boys over ten and young men and had them executed? Is that who they are?

Are Americans the ones who supported, supplied with arms and intelligence-gathering and bolstered many, brutal South and Central American dictatorships like Batista and Pinochet whose death-squads callously murdered tens of thousands of people in the 1950s, '60s and '70s simply because they believed in social justice by way of a social-minded government?

Are Americans the ones who experimented with atomic weapons on Hiroshima which killed over 80,000 people - including innocent men, women, and children - who were not actively involved in the war and then repeated its massacre on Nagasaki? Hiroshima had no military value and American bomber pilots were warned not to drop conventional bombs on it lest they ruin their precious experiment. Is that who they are?

Are Americans the ones who succeeded the French in Vietnam, picked up an already lost war and made it their own all based on a faulty thesis known as the "Domino Effect" which later proved to be nonsense?  And while they pursued this baseless theory, put an entire country to the torch at the cost of another 2,000,000 Vietnamese lives and 58,000 of their own, the American military-industrial complex thrived. Is that who they are?

Are Americans the ones who burned villages, shot the villagers' animals, destroyed their crops and in one instance evacuated an entire village of 504 defenseless old men, women, children and even babes in arms in Mi Lai in 1969 and then shot them down like dogs in a ditch with their M-16 rifless? Is that who they are?

Are Americans the ones who provided the experimental drug LSD to a Montreal asylum to test out on Canadian patients including one MP's wife in the 1960s without their knowledge or consent? Are they the ones who sprayed a Canadian city (Winnipeg) to make long-term chemical tests on Canadian civilians rather than risk their own? Is that who they are?

Are Americans the ones who entered Korea on a "police action" and then engaged in the "Forgotten War" at the cost of 2,000,000 civilian Korean lives? How can Koreans forget? Is that who they are?

Are Americans the ones who followed George Bush and his senseless side-kick, Dick Cheney, to invade Iraq based on outright lies and half-baked intelligence, which almost everyone else knew was completely untrue? Are they the ones who headed the "Coalition of the Willing" to wilfully destroy a complete country and its infrastructure, kill 50,000 of its soldiers defending their own country, kill another 100,000 civilians, displace over a half million Iraqi citizens and then occupy it and rebuild it under the direction of Halliburton Company which was once headed by Dick Cheney himself? Is that who they are?

Are Americans the ones who set off their first, atomic test in the Nevada desert on July 16th, 1945 with American and Canadian soldiers present within 1000 yards of the blast without any radiation protection whatsoever, marched them to Ground Zero through the atomic dust afterward, and then casually swept them off with corn brooms to show that it was harmless? When they later died off like flies from cancer, victims were told, "Prove it." Is that who they are?

Are Americans the ones who deviously tested Agent Orange in New Brunswick, Canada along transmission lines before they used it inVietnam at the cost of many Canadian lives and the tortured lives of thousands of Vietnamese? Is that who they are?

Are Americans the ones who incarcerated hundreds of individuals at Guantanamo Bay and left them without any legal rights, tortured them in various ways - like water boarding and sleep deprivation - and then threw away the keys? Is this who they are?

Are Americans the ones who send in drones to kill one individual whom they suspect of being a terrorist - without arrest and a fair trial but only their suspicions - and without any consideration for the rights of hundreds of innocent victims? And, when they anonymously kill dozens of innocent victims - women and children included - they simply issue an apology for the mistake and do it again later. Is that who they are?

Are Americans the ones who place on their coins, "In God we trust"? We are left to ponder: Which God is that? (It's certainly not the one I know.) Is that who they are, or is that how history will remember America?

In decades to come, America will be judged harshly. 

Dave Harrison

Source : english[dot]pravda[dot]ru

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Parents: Stop Stalking Your Kids

Mostly we’re told to keep an eye on our kids online by knowing their passwords and making it compulsory to be ‘friends’ with you, but danah boyd (she likes to be known only in lower case), Microsoft researcher and NYU media and culture professor, thinks a bit differently.

She wants mums and dads to BACK OFF and stop sneaking around. danah says that we should trust our kids online and not ‘stalk’ them. 

Parents need to be present while their kids are online, but not cramp their style on their social media sites. By ‘stalking’ them, we are crippling their spirit and creativity. 

We are inhibiting their ability to carve out their own identity.

In regards to stranger danger online, danah argues that most of the time, kids are just seeking out likeminded people with similar interests, and there’s no need for alarm. Unless the child is lonely or needing support they are not getting at home or with their friends. 

“I think parental concern is misdirected on that. The anxiety I have about kids who constantly reach out to strangers is not a fear of sexual dangers, but what emotional support are they not getting from their peer group that’s leading them to do that? Though sometimes, you know, it’s totally healthy. Your daughter has an esoteric interest her friends don’t have, so she found her community or that on Tumblr. It’s a question of who they’re reaching out to, and why.” She said in a recent interview on

danah also says that because of the fear mongering about predators and cyberbullying our preteens and teens are finding it harder to engage online in positive ways because of parental restrictions.

So how does she suggest that we monitor our kids without compromising their privacy? “Different stages have different training wheels. You pay much more attention at 13 than at 17. But even at 13, you have lots more conversations than you do surveillance. Then if you have concerns, you can amp it up.”

If parents feel like her gentle and respectful approach to online monitoring is the way to go, she has an interesting idea. Instead of handing over passwords, kids can write them down and put them in a secure piggy bank. That way, if there is ever an emergency, parents can break it open and retrieve the password. When the piggy bank is smashed, everyone knows. She encourages families to communicate openly and honestly and to stop the covert online operations. That means you, mum. 

Why is social media so important for kids development as individuals? 

danah says that the modern world has isolated kids and made them feel more vulnerable. She says that more often than not, online is where their friends are. That’s where they hang out together.

“The reason technology plays such a powerful role for them is that it’s how they can just get together. Other ways to do that have so eroded in the last two decades. We’re talking about systemic changes: fewer part-time youth jobs. Less access for them to cars and gas. Kids are more likely to be in schools where their friends don’t live within biking distance.“

If you think danah is Jatz crackers and that kids need major surveillance online, head to Cybersmart, a great technology resource for parents and kids. The approach is very different, but the intention is the same.

Everyone wants kids to be happy and safe online, it just depends which side of the fence you sit. 

How do you monitor your kids online activities? 

Source : parents[dot]nickjr[dot]com[dot]au

Choi Seul Gi Autumn Colors

Model Choi Seul Gi’s casual outdoor photoshoot with autumn leafs as backdrop. Her studio photoshoot from last year is the second most visited posts on this site in 2014 – the most popular is the MMORPG trio of Han Ga Eun, Ju Da Ha and Park Si-hyun.

Choi Seul Gi Korean autumn photoshoot

Choi Seul Gi Korean autumn photoshoot

Choi Seul Gi Korean autumn photoshoot

Choi Seul Gi Korean autumn photoshoot

Choi Seul Gi Korean autumn photoshoot

Choi Seul Gi Korean autumn photoshoot

Choi Seul Gi Korean autumn photoshoot

Source : koreangirlshd[dot]com

Globalization, Russia and the Left

Globalization, Russia and the Left. 54035.jpeg


By Takis Fotopoulos

Globalization, together with the parallel collapse of "actually existing socialism", defined the New World Order (NWO), which has been established in the last thirty years or so, following the rise of globalization and the parallel collapse of the ex-soviet bloc.  Furthermore, it can be shown that the globalization of a capitalist market economy, founded on the mass expansion of Transnational Corporations, (TNCs) can only be neoliberal.[1] In this sense, neoliberalism represents not just a policy change, or a sinister dogma (if not a conspiracy!), as most of the Left asserts today, but a structural change marking the shift to a new form of modernity that was necessary for the efficient functioning of TNCs.

Here, however, we have to distinguish between the antisystemic Left and the reformist Left. The former (mainly of Marxist origin), is characterized by a strategy and tactics based on the aim to overthrow the capitalist system and therefore the World Order as a whole, whereas the latter's strategy and tactics are based on the aim to reform, or improve, the existing system, even though their rhetoric may sometimes refer to the ultimate replacement of the capitalist system and its World Order.

The antisystemic Left, particularly the old Marxist Left (apart from a few enlightened exceptions[2]) sticks to theoretical tools developed a century ago, and, as a result, failed even to grasp the meaning of globalization itself and the tremendous significance of the rise of a new phenomenon, namely, the transnational corporation, seeing it, instead, as nothing more than the cartels described in Lenin's Imperialism! It is not therefore surprising that the same Left never understood the economic reasons motivating the Transnational Elite --i.e. the network of transnational elites running the NWO which are mainly based in the G7 countries. That is, its aim to fully integrate the peripheral countries (apart from their obvious need to control the energy-rich countries of the Middle East that were still run by non-client regimes) into the New World Order defined by neoliberal globalization. It is clear, therefore, that today's antisystemic Left in general, including post-modern 'anarchism', which has nothing to do with traditional anti-systemic anarchism and of course the Greens, who today are fully integrated into the NWO, (as their full support to all the wars of the Transnational Elite has shown) does not have a clue of these seismic global processes.

However, if the antisystemic Left, despite its outdated theoretical tools, at least questions the capitalist system and also its main economic institutions like the EU, the WTO etc, the reformist Left does not even dare to question such institutions! All they usually do is to question the austerity policies, in an effort to differentiate themselves from the old social democratic parties, which are now fully integrated into the NWO in the form of social liberal parties. Such parties, together with the traditional conservative parties (Christian Democrats, British Conservatives etc) have formed a solid block for instance in the European Parliament which rules out any significant change in the present neoliberal policies imposed by the TNCs and the NWO for any foreseeable future. This sort of "Left" obviously cannot offer any real alternative to the victims of globalization for two basic reasons.

First, because they are unable to abolish the austerity policies, which are imposed not just by some 'baddies', (i.e. neoliberal politicians and economists) but by the logic and the dynamics of an internationalized capitalist market economy in which any significant social controls on markets will undermine competitiveness-the yardstick of success in attracting capital. In such a framework, countries have to compete with each other to attract capital investment, mainly from abroad, through open and liberalized markets that secure the eventual homogenization of real wages and working conditions. It is not therefore surprising that no social democratic or Left government in Europe has managed to discard neoliberal policies in the NWO and therefore Keynesian and post-Keynesian policies are by definition ruled out. This is why the reformist Left is dead in Europe (apart from the exceptional cases of Spain and Greece we shall see below) and the only reason why social democratic parties still survive in various European countries is because they have become social-liberal parties, i.e. a kind of hybrid parties of 'socialist' rhetoric and neoliberal practice which, in power, they implement the same policies with some inessential variations, --sometimes even in coalition with conservative parties. It is the same solid bloc of conservative and social liberal parties, which control the EU and the Eurozone and rule out any alternative policies to the current economic policies. Such policies have brought about either mass open unemployment even in peripheral European countries like Spain and Greece reaching a quarter of the population and over half the young population, or disguised unemployment in various forms: zero contract hours, mass part-time or occasional employment, frozen real wages for those 'lucky' to have something looking like full employment, as in Britain and US, etc.

Second, because even if they were able to abolish the austerity policies, as long as they continue to be members of economic organizations like the EU, they will still be bounded by catastrophic neoliberal commitments. Even more so if they are also members of the Eurozone, when they do not control even their own currency, which is controlled instead directly by the Transnational Elite, through its European members and mainly the German elite. This is because as EU members they are bounded by the Maastricht Treaty, and subsequent Treaties that complement it, to adopt all structural reforms institutionalizing neoliberal globalization and in particular the opening and liberalization of the 'four markets', i.e. the markets for capital, labor, goods and services. These are the policies implemented at the moment all over the EU and, of course--through the Transnational Elite--all over the world, as far as countries integrated into the NWO of neoliberal globalization is concerned, including those supposedly aiming at creating an alternative pole to it, like the G20, which have just signed a communiqué celebrating the same principles.[3]

In this sense, the supposed resurgence of the reformist Left in countries like Spain and Greece, through the rising parties of Podemos and Syriza respectively, is in effect another political bubble due to burst as soon as they come to power. Not surprisingly this kind of Left was promoted even by one of the main organs of Transnational Elite, the Financial Times, which presented it as 'radical' Left.[4] Of course, there is nothing radical about these two parties, which not only never questioned the EU itself but also never dared to commit themselves unequivocally to an exit from the Eurozone-although an exit from the Eurozone that is not accompanied by an exit from the EU is almost equally catastrophic. It is therefore clear that this kind of Left plays an obviously disorienting role when it just attacks the austerity policies, which, however, are simply the inevitable side effect of integration into the NWO and the consequent adoption of neoliberal globalization. It should not be forgotten anyway that significant social democrats before them, representing important core countries like France and Germany, had also tried to reverse neoliberal policies and either had been forced to a quick about turn (Francois Mitterrand, Francois Hollande) or were even thrown out of the government (Oscar Lafontaine). Neither of course does the argument of Podemos and Suriza that now the Euro-elites will have to reverse neoliberal policies--as they face the risk of real anti-EU parties coming into power-- have any validity. In fact, no government in power in any country fully integrated into the NWO has any choice but to implement the present neoliberal policies. Therefore, no Podemos or Syriza will ever be able to implement strict social controls on markets, despite their deceiving rhetoric and all they can secure is a kind of growth like the present one in Britain, where open mass unemployment has simply been replaced with disguised unemployment and frozen wages.[5]

The inevitable result of this dismal failure of the Left was the emergence of a new nationalist Right in Europe that is fighting for the exit from the EU. This, apart, of course, from the strange case of Ukrainian neo-Nazis, who claim to be nationalists opposing the EU, and yet have been fully backed and financed by the EU and the US in fighting the Russians and the Eurasian Union--i.e. the only potential real alternative global power centre to the present monopoly of power of the Transnational Elite! In other words, the nationalist Right, (everywhere else apart from Ukraine!) simply filled the huge gap left by this bankrupt Left which, instead of placing itself in the front line of all those peoples fighting globalization and the phasing out of their economic and national sovereignty, used arguments based on an anachronistic internationalism to justify globalization, from a supposedly Marxist standpoint.

The new nationalist Right is embraced by most of the victims of globalization all over Europe, particularly the working class which used to support the Left,[6] whilst the latter has effectively embraced not just economic globalization but also political, ideological and cultural globalization and has been fully integrated into the NWO--a defining moment in its present intellectual and political bankruptcy. The process of bankruptcy of the Left has been further enhanced by the fact that, faced with a political collapse in the May 2014 elections for a Euro-parliament, it has allied with the elites in condemning these nationalist parties, (which sometimes do use neo-nazi rhetoric) as fascist and neo-Nazis, even consenting to the use of blatantly fascist methods in order to suppress some of them (as e.g. in Greece). Yet, the only real neo-Nazis in Europe today, both in terms of their history and ideology but also in terms of their practice, are the Ukrainian neo-Nazis, who, however, have been fully supported by the Transnational Elite and (paradoxically?) even by the Zionist elite[7] (despite their clear anti-Semitism!) in achieving regime change and the conversion of Ukraine into an EU protectorate.

However, there is nothing surprising about this stand of the Transnational Elite, which had also allied with the Taliban in Afghanistan with the aim to defeat the Soviet army, and then with the criminal jihadists in Libya and Syria, in order to overthrow the national liberation regimes in these countries (the well known ISIS presently under attack by the Transnational Elite).  But, there is an important implication of this, which has to be stressed. The rise to power of a real fascist or neo-Nazi party today is impossible for any country that is fully integrated into the NWO. This is because real fascism and Nazism were historical phenomena of the era of nation-states before the globalization era, which had a significant degree of national and economic sovereignty. But in the globalization era it is exactly this sovereignty, which is impossible for any country fully integrated into the NWO. This implies that the only kind of 'fascism' possible today is the pseudo-fascism, which is supported by the Transnational Elite itself, as the case of Ukraine clearly had showed!

It is therefore clear that the aim of the Transnational Elite that administers the NWO is to convert nation-states, through the phasing out of their economic and national sovereignty, into, at best, some sort of 'local authorities' within a system of global governance, or, at worst, a kind of informal protectorates (as e.g. Greece). Therefore, today's social struggle is not anymore just a struggle for social liberation, as it used to be in the past but, also, a struggle for national liberation. This does not of course mean the return to an era of nation-states fighting each other for economic reasons (the division of markets) or geopolitical reasons. It could mean instead the creation of a new democratic world order like the one I described elsewhere,[8] and the process for the development of a Eurasian Union of sovereign peoples could potentially play a crucial role towards it. This process has of course nothing to do with "a reordering of world affairs based on 'spheres of influence'", as ideologists of neoliberal globalization and promoters of the plan for world governance argue, in an obvious attempt to denigrate the struggle of peoples for sovereignty[9] and self determination. Some could argue here that the risk may arise in such a scenario that, when a nation breaks from the NWO, new forces may emerge that could use the recovered national-economic sovereignty in order to implement e.g. racist policies on the population. However, one wonders whether such arguments can still be supported today when the supposed democratic beacons of the globalization era, the US and Israel, have clearly shown their true racist face: the former, when on top of the intrinsic economic violence against the Afro-Americans it now shows that the built-in physical violence against them has never stopped, (although usually covert at present), while the latter has now legislated the second rate status of the indigenous population, the Palestinians.

The case of Ukraine is particularly important, as it not only highlighted the unipolar nature of the present world order, as expressed by the 'world community', (i.e. the Transnational Elite plus the associated client elites) but, also because it may well herald the end of the present world order and the emergence of a new bi-polar world. On the other hand, the anachronistic Left, lacking any theory of globalization, was in no position to explain how the Transnational Elite was able to impose a complete political, economic and ideological isolation of Russia, simply because it dared to object to its plans to fully integrate Ukraine into the NWO through the EU. No wonder the same "Left" resorted to century-old anachronisms about inter-imperialist conflicts to interpret the present decisive world conflict, which culminated with the Ukraine coup.

Yet, it was hardly a difficult task for the Transnational Elite to ostracize Russia, given that, following the collapse of "actually existing socialism" and the parallel bankruptcy of the Left, it controls far more than just the world economy --through the TNCs. It controls also:

  • the world polity, through its protectorates and semi-protectorates it has set up all over the world, and the international institutions of various kinds it influences, (from the UN up to international tribunals;
  • the world ideology and the perception of reality itself, through its control, via the TNCs, of world mass media, international Universities and research centers, think tanks, NGOs etc;
  • the world culture, through its control of the production and distribution of cultural commodities.

Last but not least, the Transnational Elite has secured the effective tolerance of the anachronistic "Left" in its wars and engineered insurrections, as the Left's stand on these issues is, at best, a stand of keeping 'equal distances' between the competing 'imperialisms', and, at worst, of open support for the supposed "revolutionaries" in Syria, Libya, as Trotskytes and "libertarians" of various sorts did. Not surprisingly, this stand potentially leaves the Transnational Elite free to destroy the last significant attempt for effective resistance against the NWO, through the creation of an alternative global pole of sovereign nations, as the Eurasian Union was originally conceived. Yet, national and economic sovereignty is the necessary condition (though not a sufficient condition as well) for any systemic change--which is still supposed to be the aim of the Left!

P.S. In my article on 'the internet and freedom of speech', a fortnight ago, I referred to the case of political slandering as one of the worst forms of abuse of the freedom of speech, supposedly provided by the internet. It seems now that a mud slinger, who happens also to be a proud member of  the International Organization for a Participatory Society (IOPS), was so inspired by this article as to write in the social media that I am now "writing for and receiving money" from "the bloody paper of the Russian Communist Party", (i.e. Pravda) and that this does make me "a stooge of a section of the Russian elite"(sic!) As, 'by coincidence', I criticized in the past  this particular political project (without ever receiving a reply to it), I hope that this does not mean that this sort of "Left" has now resorted to mud slinging to attack its critics!

Takis Fotopoulos

Takis Fotopoulos is a political philosopher, editor of Society & Nature/Democracy and Nature/The International Journal of Inclusive Democracy. He has also been a columnist for the Athens Daily Eleftherotypia since 1990. Between 1969 and 1989 he was Senior Lecturer in Economics at the University of North London (formerly Polytechnic of North London). He is the author of over 25 books and over 1,000 articles, many of which have been translated into various languages.

[1] See Takis Fotopoulos, Ukraine, the Attack on Russia and the Eurasian Union (published shortly by Progressive Press), ch 1

[2] A very significant neo-Marxist like Leslie Sklair (see his The Transnational CapitalistClass (Oxford: Blackwell, 2001), who attempted to interpret the rise of the new phenomenon of TNCs in terms of a renewed Marxist theory, was largely ignored by the hard core of the Marxist Left, which preferred to stick to the Old Testament, perhaps because this could justify its complete lack of activity against globalization. 

[3] "Russia at the crossroads",, 20/11/2014

[4] Wolfgang Münchau, "Radical left is right about Europe's debt", Financial Times, 23/11/2014

[5] see e.g. "Low-paid Britons now number five million, think tank concludes", BBC News 26/10/2014 and  "Lowest paid stuck in 'poverty trap' as UK govt mulls fresh £30bn austerity round", RT, 11/2014

[6] Francis Elliott et al. 'Working class prefers Ukip to Labour", The Times, 25/11/2014

[7] "Communists seek Jewish denouncement of oligarch over E. Ukraine raid sponsorship", RT, 7/11/2014

[8] "Towards a new Democratic World Order",, 3/11/2014

[9] Gideon Rachman, "China, Russia and the Sinatra doctrine", Financial Times, 24/11/2014

Source : english[dot]pravda[dot]ru

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

When wake boarding and a Ferrari F50 combine

Wakeboard Ferrari

So, we all know that wake boarding is pretty fun (considering you don’t have a fear of water) on it’s own. We also know that driving in a Ferrari – make that a Ferrari F50 – is fun, too (considering you don’t have a fear of speed). So then why not combine these two fun activities into one?!

Well, mostly because it sounds dangerous and would require that you have all the participating equipment – namely a wakeboard and a Ferrari F50, which is obviously much harder to come by than a wakeboard.

Nevertheless, fear and equipment aside, a couple of guys actually managed to pull of a stunt that involves a wakeboard and a Ferrari F50.

The stunt was done by the guys over at Tax the Rich, a YouTube channel that portrays various stunts involving super expensive super cars – much like this one.

The stunt itself is really, really awesome, albeit dangerous. A professional wakeboarder (emphasis on professional) is dragged, not by a boat as in the traditional sense of wake boarding, but by a Ferrari F50 at a reasonable (read: fast) speed.

Ferrari F50 Wakeboard

The result is a stunt that many of us would kill to perform or at least witness in real life.

Check it out below:

Source: AutoBlog

Source : carblog[dot]co[dot]za

Run, Hide and Tell - The result of Drone Diplomacy

Run, Hide and Tell - The result of Drone Diplomacy. 54022.jpeg

The failure of foreign policy pursued for two decades by London and Washington results in the sad reality that the citizens of these two countries dare not step off an aircraft in a growing number of countries, while at home, the advice today is "Run, Hide and Tell" in the increasing probability of a terrorist act. Where lies the responsibility?

The populations of the United Kingdom and the United States of America used to be told to Duck and Cover in the event of a nuclear strike. None came from the "Reds under the Beds" because the threat did not exist. Now the buzzword is "Run, Hide and Tell" in the highly probable event of a terrorist strike by Islamic State. Why don't the UK and USA, for once, accept the responsibility for their disastrous foreign policy?

As the population of Britain once again gets ready for a "be vigilant" public campaign, looking out for unattended baggage in shopping malls, on busy street corners, train and bus stations, or in airport terminals, the buzz words "Run, Hide and Tell" ring out loud and clear before another frantic Christmas shopping season. Exactly the same degree of vigilance would be wise for the population of the USA, and to a lesser extent, Canada, on the other side of The Pond.

Precisely when people are supposed to be enjoying themselves and relaxing with their families, buying presents to celebrate the Festive Season, the result of the UK and USA's Drone Diplomacy means that rather than wandering around shopping malls nonchalantly, enjoying the lights, taking the kids to Father Christmas' cave and petting stuffed furry reindeer, the populations of these two countries will be more prone to running, hiding and telling the authorities that there is a parcel in the aisle.

Hopefully this will not be followed by that deafening BANG signaling an explosion, with legs and arms and heads being torn apart or ripped off by shrapnel, nails or ball bearings, blood spraying everywhere, teddy bears lying in puddles of blood, then after those five seconds of silence which appear to be an eternity, the dry stench of cordite, the screams of those injured writhing around in pain, the terrified cries of young kids looking into their dead mother's staring and lifeless eyes, the sullen and defeated look of the six-year-old boy who looks on as his Dad bleeds to death from a gaping wound in his side, his guts splattered half-way across the shop, lying beside Grandma who, gasping and gulping, has both hands grasped around a large shard of glass protruding from her throat.

This is the only possible result of Drone Diplomacy, a suicidal and manic diplomatic onslaught followed mainly by these two powers, and increasingly so, since 1991. It is a policy which I, and many others, have been fighting against, explaining the consequences, since Day One and like today, those who have spoken out against London and Washington's demented foreign policy have been ignored, brushed off as kooks, nutcases, name it.

So as this Christmas approaches, it gives me no pleasure at all to write this article, convinced that the reality in its lines are possibly, or worse, probably more than conjecture as the authorities in the UK and USA agree that it is more a case of when, rather than if.  And what part have the populations of these countries played in this sorry reality?

None, for the most part. The vast majority of them have gone about their business, working hard, studying hard for their exams, trying to get jobs, University places; many of them have given up their time in community-based voluntary work helping out others in need and most of them deserve a Happy Christmas.

A lot probably could not find Iraq on the map, have no idea where Syria is or whether President al-Assad is more popular than Obama and Cameron put together. They will tell you Africa is dark and dangerous and full of diseases, wars and famine and will not be able to quote a single success story from the entire continent, they will tell you Russia is dangerous because their media have the need to pander to the whims of the lobbies pulling the strings of the Governments of these two countries (UK and USA), creating a "them" to justify the "us".

And so without closing ranks behind their Governments, the people accept what they do, because most of the time they do not know, until they go to a shopping mall and witness The Apocalypse before their very eyes.

So supposing someone, somewhere, started a movement in these two countries demanding responsibility for actions, demanding accountability for failed projects and demanding a grass-roots overview of public policies, which have direct results in the daily lives of citizens who have never done anything other than fulfil all the obligations asked of them? Supposing someone brought NATO and its actions onto the domestic political agenda, where its policies can be analyzed and appraised by those who pay two per cent of their countries' GDP per annum, each and every year, amounting collectively to one point two trillion USD, to fund the budget of this supra-national monstrosity which does nothing but spread deep, white-faced seething hatred?

Where lies the responsibility for The Islamic State? Did Saddam Hussein represent a "direct and immediate threat" to the USA and its allies? No, he did not. He didn't even have any Weapons of Mass Destruction (this was his mistake). The Islamic State indeed represents a direct and immediate threat to the UK and USA because by now there are enough misguided angry young people with empty little lives, there are enough demented sociopaths, there are enough brainwashed mentally diminished puppets out there to "get lucky once".

That is all a terrorist organization needs and this will be the beginning of the first chapter of a book which seems to promise to be a best-seller for decades to come. And the responsibility for this, Ladies and Gentlemen, lies with London and Washington. Run, Hide and Tell is the flip side of the Drone Diplomacy coin.


Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey*



*Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey has worked as a correspondent, journalist, deputy editor, editor, chief editor, director, project manager, executive director, partner and owner of printed and online daily, weekly, monthly and yearly publications and media groups printed and distributed in Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, East Timor, Guinea-Bissau, Portugal, Mozambique and São Tomé and Principe Isles; the Russian Foreign Ministry publication Dialog and the Cuban Foreign Ministry Official Publications. He has spent the last two decades in humanitarian projects, connecting communities, working to document and catalog disappearing languages, cultures, traditions, working to network with the LGBT communities helping to set up shelters for abused or frightened victims and working to foster the UN Women project to fight against gender violence and to strive for an end to sexism, racism and homophobia.

Source : english[dot]pravda[dot]ru

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Self-governance: Only basis for dignified communal identity

Self-governance: Only basis for dignified communal identity. 54016.jpeg

By Ben Tanosborn 

This Monday, November 24, the spark ignited by a 12-person grand jury's decision in a Missourian community where black people predominate (67 percent in 2010 census) will have most white Americans confounded why blacks behave as they do, shaking their heads in disbelief. Yet, many of us, our skin color and socio-economic condition aside, see this new notch of extreme discontent and protestation by African-Americans, at the white policeman not being indicted, as another loud cry for change; a desperate clinging to primal that dignity by those who feel oppressed.

To see ourselves properly as people, as a community or as a nation, we must do so with borrowed eyes; for, unfortunately, ours likely have grown cataracts of prejudice which accumulate in the behavioral building blocks acquired during our lives.  And we must trust those borrowed eyes to give us a clear vision of impartiality that will aid us attain the wisdom required to deal with our fellow-citizen brothers in a peaceful, communal way... never as an intruder or colonizer.In a country with a diversity of roots, such as the United States of America, we are obligated to honor that diversity if we are to go forward as one society, one nation.

What is currently happening in Ferguson, a repetition of countless other racial episodes that have taken place during the last half-century after the passage of the "assumed to finally change things" Civil Rights Act of 1964, is the aftermath of an unenlightened, and continuing blind political leadership. Top to bottom... from the federal bureaucrats (elected or appointed) in Washington, D.C. to the career politicians, or civil servants, at the state, county-city level who are more interested in meeting their personal needs than those of the people they are supposed to be serving.

During this epochal time of empire, it appears almost comical - if it weren't so sad and ignorance-driven - to find ourselves telling other nations how to govern themselves when we are incapable of governing ourselves.  Americans are encircled by a double abyss, a semi-circle of an ever-growing economic inequality, and another semi-circle of social-racial prejudice.  To deny the existence of either condemns us to a continuing façade of excuses and rationalizations, all combining to prevent us from acknowledging the causal variable among the myriad intervening variables, all easier to tackle with short-term band aids. 

And the causal variable that creates this social-racial abyss is simply racial prejudice, and the white establishment's unwillingness to recognize it, and deal with it.

We may not like ghettos, whether created by economic, ethnic, ideological or racial circumstances, or simply by choice.  But, whether we like them or not, and until we have a better system of social and economic conviviality, we must deal with them equitably. And that entails self-governance within the workable parameters imposed by a common rule of law.  Unfortunately, colonialism which had all but disappeared in much of the world during the second half of the 20th century, has found fertile ground in modern, open societies... with the United States providing the archetype model for "problem groups" that lack economic, educational and upward-mobility opportunities.

At a minimum, these ghettos which have resulted from forcibly-imposed economic and/or racial conditions should be allowed to govern themselves; but somehow our body politic, adding one more headless arrow to its undemocratic quiver, has not had the lucidity to design and execute plans transferring governance to ghetto-dwellers, a practice long in existence elsewhere in the world.  Could it be that white America will conform to affirmative action for minorities, specifically blacks, but does not see them as capable of governing themselves; or, as in Ferguson's case, of policing themselves?

Does it make any sense at all that a community with 67 percent of its population black be policed by a force 95 percent white, including the police chief?  No, we are not talking about social and other city services here... but the critical section entrusted with maintaining law and order: the police department.

Black and Blue (as police is referred) in the US have yet to find common ground, one at least approaching absence of suspicion; so confronting black with Ferguson's light blue can be truly asking for mishaps to happen.  It really has less to do with Darren Wilson's act (whether he acted appropriately in the shooting of Michael Brown... or is guilty of a crime) than with the lack of trust which exists between blacks and the power exerted by whites over their economic lives, or even their freedom.

Suspicion of misuse of power by whites over blacks is not ill-founded... and one would have to be rather naïve not to see how the black vote is decimated, purposely perhaps, by the incarceration of a disproportionate number of its population, mostly involving drug crimes; or by the also disproportionate level of unemployment shouldered by its people.

What's happening in Ferguson and other black communities throughout this country tonight and possibly in days to follow, as a sequitur to the grand jury decision, has little to do with agitators, or socialists, or thugs, or other anti-American ill-wishers! 

White Americans for the most part tend to view events happening around them as clear-cut, one-dimensional actions, such as in the Michael Brown death... only details which took place on August 9 as consequential and relevant to the case.  But that's unlikely to be the outlook with blacks whose personal experiences, certainly with the police, are multi-layered insidious past events which can easily refract how new events are seen.

Unless Political America sees merit in affording the impoverished African-American communities self-governance, to include self-policing, the black and blue confrontation will continue on... and problems, whether birthed in fact or perception, will not begin to bridge the existing social-racial abyss. 

For starters, a more efficient, effective and uniform way of training and certifying those who are to be in law enforcement should be found, at either the state or federal level... perhaps a complementary accommodation of both.  That would have to include a representative number of qualifiable blacks to police existing black communities, erasing the existing black-blue mistrust.  Obviously, the present system of police-sheriff academies, if anything, must be given a rotund failing grade, if not in the lifelong brotherhood or camaraderie of its graduates, certainly in the way society has been served.

Ben Tanosborn             

Source : english[dot]pravda[dot]ru

Monday, November 24, 2014

How Russia and Turkey can work together

How Russia and Turkey can work together. 54004.jpeg

By Harun Yahya

Such a great power as Russia has major responsibilities at this particularly difficult time in the Middle East. Those circles in the West and the USA that insist on excluding Russia for the sake of regional peace are mistaken. Rather than isolating Russia, one of the major powers in the region, relations need to be improved by the adoption of a compassionate and honest approach; because justice and prosperity cannot be built by excluding one particular country.

We want to see a world in which people of all faiths, races and beliefs can live happy and peaceful. We must strive for a brotherly world where everyone is respected and valued, be they Russian, Ukranian, Turkish, Armenian, Arab, Kurdish, Christian, Jewish, Sunni, Shiite, Wahhabi or anything else, where all live as first-class citizens and where nobody is regarded as superior to anyone else. Russia has important duties regarding the building of that world.

The picture in the 11 years since the Iraq War of 2003 is proof that 'violence leads to worse violence.'

The use of force has made terror organizations ever stronger. The crimes of these organizations initiated against them largely end up in harming civilians, women, children and the elderly. Indeed, the Syrian civil war has caused one of the largest waves of migration since the Second World War, with more than 8 million people being forced to leave their homes. The wave of migration that has increased due to recent aggression by ISIL will probably accelerate still further in the wake of U.S. bombings. It is now essential to establish a safe zone where these people can live. The 'safe haven on the Turkish-Syrian border' proposed by Turkey is a matter of the greatest importance. What will make that project strong is support from Russia.

Throughout the Syrian civil war, Russia's policy has for various reasons diverged from that of the West. However, the current situation makes the establishment of a safe zone essential for Kurds, Arabs, Turkmens, Nusayris, Alawites, Sunnis, Shiites and all the other people of the region. The safe zone project must not be perceived as a threat to Syria's territorial integrity. On the contrary, it is intended to protect Syria and its inhabitants. With Russian support, the safe zone will inspire confidence in all the Syrian people, eliminate unfounded concerns and be an important step toward peace. It will also overcome Russian worries concerning the Eastern Mediterranean. Turkey will guarantee Russia's interests. Material and psychological support from Russia in establishing this safe zone will be of inestimable value.

Turkey has never adopted aggressive policies toward its neighbors. Yet it is also a fact that some neighboring countries back the PKK, a terror organization whose aim is to break Turkey up into separate statelets. Turkey prefers to let the past be the past, however, and always strives for good relations with its neighbors. The purpose of this safe zone is therefore to meet a human need, not to represent a policy of aggression.

One of the problems now concerning Turkey is the human tragedy unfolding on its own border. The number of refugees admitted in 2013 by all the countries of the EU is the same as that admitted by Turkey just one day during the fight in Kobane. The number of Syrians admitted by Turkey is approximately 2 million. Turkish spending on these refugees currently exceeds $4 billion. The Turkish people are delighted to take these people in. Yet the fact remains that the problem is an international one. Turkey shares a border with areas under ISIL control. The PKK terror organization is also a major presence in the area.  The establishment of a safe zone is not intended as an act of aggression, but solely for security and humanitarian purposes.

It is of the greatest importance for Russia to trust Turkey on this matter.

International talk aimed at isolating and excluding Russia, which was so prevalent during the recent crisis in Ukraine, needs to be set aside. Those sections of Ukrainian society that desire closer links with Europe have a perfect right to do so, but the democratic right of those who wish to maintain links with Russia must also be respected. Policies of fait accompli that ignore Russia are one of the failed stratagems of the last century. Our hope is that Russia will play a role in every step taken in the region and the world, and in the new order that needs to be established. Due to its close commercial ties and friendships with both the EU and Russia, Turkey is ready to act as intermediary. That will make it easier to put an end to these polarized policies.

Russian collaboration with Turkey on security in the Middle East and material and other support for the peace and security of the people of the region will ensure that it enjoys friendships in the region. Collaboration between Turkey and Russia on a safe zone is urgent and vital.

The Russian people deserve our respect and friendship. When a new order is established, it must take their happiness into account as well as that of all other societies. If there is one lesson be learned from the sufferings from the 19th century to the present, it is that you cannot build happiness on the unhappiness of other societies. The region cannot be happy if Russia is unhappy. We cannot feel secure if Russia is insecure. The days of saying, "It does not matter what happens to others as long as we are strong' are over. Now is the time to advocate the principle of, 'Let us all be happy and safe and at ease,' without excluding anyone...

Harun Yahya

The author is a leading Muslim commentator from Turkey. He has written more than 300 books in 73 languages

Source : english[dot]pravda[dot]ru

Lewis Hamilton wins World Championship

Lewis Hamilton Mercedes

Lewis Hamilton is definitely one very happy man this Monday, as he managed to clinched the title in the final World drivers Championship at the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix yesterday.

Even though Hamilton was considered by some ass the favourite for the title from the start, he had seemingly tough competition from his Mercedes teammate, Nico Rosberg.

Unfortunately for Rosberg (and fortunately for Hamilton) he experienced some car issues that meant that Hamilton had the lead from the beginning, right until the end when he crossed the finish line as the new World Champion. 

It wasn’t smooth sailing all the way for Hamilton, though.

He came second in the qualifying round – however, this didn’t seem to deter him much as he was in control and more importantly, in the lead, for the actual race. The prospect of a strenuous title race between him and Rosberg also did not seem to affect the talented 29-year old that much.

In the end, the race was all Hamilton and his poor teammate Rosberg finished in 14th place.

This is Hamilton’s second title, with his first being awarded to him back in 2008. Hamilton said that while winning the title in 2008 was amazon gin itself, this time round it feels much, much better:

“This is the greatest day of my life…[sic] 2008 was a great year in my life. The feeling I have now is way, way past that. The greatest feeling ever.”

Hamilton now joins other famous drivers who have managed to clinch more than one World Championship title.

Fernando Alonso also holds two titles, while Sebastien Vettel has four. However, the all time record holder and 7 time champion still belongs to the legendary Michael Schumacher.

With Lewis Hamilton being British – and no doubt making his country extremely proud – Prince Harry also attended the event, and, just as Hamilton crossed the finish line as the ultimate champion, quickly grabbed radio and said:

“Lewis, well done for not making the British public sweat. You are an absolute legend”

And right Prince Harry is, he is indeed a legend.

Source: BBC Sport

Source : carblog[dot]co[dot]za

Sunday, November 23, 2014

It's official: Canada has been assimilated

It's official: Canada has been assimilated. 54001.jpeg

As predicted in this column just four years ago, Canada has been assimilated by its bed-partner, the United States of America. No, this time we are not speaking about hacking baby seals to death or skinning them alive, neither are we speaking about Harper's Insolence, a new disease among the international political leadership, nor are we speaking about dangerous facilities at sports venues. Ladies and Gentlemen, we are speaking about the most blatant example of political cowardice, a foreign policy which is an insult to the peoples of Canada and an affront to its history.

Once upon a time, Canada used to have "cujones" and when necessary, used to stand up for itself, stand up for its principles and slam its fist on the table when its neighbor to the South bowed to its customary tendency to support Fascist and murderous policies of intrusion across the globe.

Not today. On November 21, Canada joined just two other nations - predictably the United States of America and of course Ukraine, in becoming the most hated group of three isolated nations which voted NO to the Resolution presented by Russia in the United Nations General Assembly Third Committee Plenary Session:

Third committee draft resolution concerning combating glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance (1). Full text (3).

In the ensuing vote (2) on 11/21/2014 at 3:17:57 PM, the result showed 115 votes in favor, 3 against and 55 abstentions. The three against were Canada, Ukraine and the USA. In favor were the BRICS (Brazil, China, India, Russia, South Africa) and progressive nations fighting Fascist interference and intrusion, such as Cuba, Syria, Venezuela, also those which defeated Imperialist and Fascist adventures in the past such as Vietnam and the Latin American block (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Colombia even, Peru, Mexico, Equador...).

Abstentions? Why, the poodles, led by Chief Poodle the United Kingdom and other NATO lackeys which did not have the guts to vote the way the hearts and minds of their populations would have wished, bringing into question how much power the people have over the way their countries vote.

We can understand why the UK and France abstained, since they fall over themselves to see who is Chief "Boot" licker (pardon the spelling) of the Moment. And we can see clearly the list of sycophantic NATO member states - you know, those that have to contribute 2 per cent of their GDP towards fulfilling NATO's annual budget. And does anyone have any idea as to what that is? Take a guess before you read the next paragraph.

NATO's annual budget, Ladies and Gentlemen, is one point two trillion USD per annum, each and every year. So it is hardly surprising to find the "abstention" vote shamefully hanging above the heads of the NATO member states and those who are queueing up to sell their souls to the European Union, just as the Putsch leaders in Kiev have done.

These "abstention countries", or "assimilated block", do not have a soul, or an identity, or a foreign policy. They cringe, cowered like a sheepdog awaiting a whistle or an order, then nod obediently as they are sent left, right and center without questioning where they are going.

The bottom line is that the world is indeed divided among those nations which represent the hearts and minds of Humankind - the BRICS block and progressive nations and the rest, split in three tiers of subservience: at the top, the FUKUS Axis (France-UK-US), supported by the ASS (Anglo-Saxon Syndicate, namely the USA, UK, Australia, Canada and these days New Zealand, the Kiwi following the Wallaby) and the "assimilated block" of soulless, spineless lackeys who do not have the guts to have a foreign policy of their own, or to stand up for what is right.

Now watch while the latter two echelons chip away at the former, using the energy, weapons, banking, food and Pharma lobbies as their cutting edge. The more I observe today's world, the sicker I feel.


(2)   Vote Name: A/C.3/69/L.56/Rev.1



Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey*



*Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey has worked as a correspondent, journalist, deputy editor, editor, chief editor, director, project manager, executive director, partner and owner of printed and online daily, weekly, monthly and yearly publications and media groups printed and distributed in Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, East Timor, Guinea-Bissau, Portugal, Mozambique and São Tomé and Principe Isles; the Russian Foreign Ministry publication Dialog and the Cuban Foreign Ministry Official Publications.

Source : english[dot]pravda[dot]ru

Heo Yun Mi BIMOS 2014

Nissan’s promotional model Heo Yun Mi in various costumes at the Busan International Motor Show (BIMOS) in June 2014.

Heo Yun Mi BIMOS 2014 Nissan red dress

Heo Yun Mi BIMOS 2014 Nissan red dress

Heo Yun Mi BIMOS 2014 Nissan gold dress

Heo Yun Mi BIMOS 2014 Nissan gold dress

Heo Yun Mi BIMOS 2014 Nissan shiny red

Heo Yun Mi BIMOS 2014 Nissan shiny red

Heo Yun Mi BIMOS 2014 Nissan shiny gold

Heo Yun Mi BIMOS 2014 Nissan shiny gold

Source : koreangirlshd[dot]com

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Mean what you say

Mean what you say. 54000.jpeg

Earlier this past summer, when he found the time and managed to tear himself away from another arduous day on the links, U.S. President Barack Obama said this about the deepening Ukraine crisis: 'All options are on the table'. Ostensibly that cryptic line was Obama's response to Crimea's unanimous vote for secession from Ukraine and to join the Russian Federation. Obama went further. Before stepping on the gas pedal aboard Golf Cart One, Obama added the foreboding sentence: 'We've already 'teed-up' those options'. Whatever that is supposed to mean in presidential golf parlance!

Anyone one with a little imagination would surmise Obama meant in addition to enacting punitive economic (though illegal) sanctions against Russia, the U.S. President also consulted with the Pentagon to do what they do worst: spread their incessant wars, through regime change. More likely the scenario: the 'chicken hawks' in his State Department and the Pentagon already had those plans at the ready, decades ago. Now all that is required was to pull those DOD top secret files from the dusty shelves, dip in the slush jar and the U.S. military-industrial machismo democracy spreading machine was 'good to go'. Congress need not apply. Neither would they be apprised. Go it alone; business as usual.

Absent from my missive's title is the usual preface to that old but meaningful adage: 'Say what you mean'. Well, one could say that Obama fulfilled the first premise. Not so sure that he succeeded with the second part though. The problem lies with the operative word: 'All'. And given President Obama's status as Commander-in-Chief of the armed services as well the informal title of 'Leader of the Free World' by extension it seems right and just if any one private citizen or Member of Congress would hold Obama's 'feet to the fire' so to speak over that all inclusive 'All' word.

So far, that litmus test has not happened; not by the Congress; nor from the mainstream media; neither by the business and financial communities. Suffice it to say, that I've not read or heard everything reported in re Obama's rendering of that all important 'All' word. Moreover, in a democracy like the U.S. paradigm somewhere in that presidential 'all' litany you would expect to find at least one diplomatic option. One would also hope that 'diplomacy' sat atop the hierarchy of presidential priorities regarding solving the worsening crisis in Ukraine as well as those in other 'hot spots' around the globe.

And there is much historical precedent to embrace the diplomatic option, first and foremost. All one needs to do is re-visit the 1960's. During October of 1962 the young Kennedy Administration was in a similar position as Obama is today but much closer to home. The 'Cuban Missile Crisis' had the world on the brink of disaster, at the point of staring into the abyss. With both the U.S.S.R.'s and America's nuclear weapons already proliferating, the whole world was held hostage as the potentially deadly crisis 'played' out.

At the crisis' height, the two sides were well past the breaking point. Critical mass had already been reached when President John Kennedy authorized a naval blockade around Cuba. This high seas American maneuver, to many experts and scholars alike, was in fact a declaration of war on the Soviets. Their flotilla of navy war and supply ships was denied access to Cuba and forced to turn away. The Americans claimed that their enemy, Communist Cuba was building missile launch sites with hardware supplied by the Soviets. U.S. spy satellite imagery confirmed America's and Kennedy's worst fears.

Each passing day, for most people, meant that mankind was one step closer to a catastrophic nuclear conflagration. The world press feared that if indeed 'push came to shove' then for certain we all, would

Earlier this past summer, when he found the time and managed to tear himself away from another arduous day on the links, U.S. President Barack Obama said this about the deepening Ukraine crisis: 'All options are on the table'. Ostensibly that cryptic line was Obama's response to Crimea's unanimous vote for secession from Ukraine and to join the Russian Federation. Obama went further. Before stepping on the gas pedal aboard Golf Cart One, Obama added the foreboding sentence: 'We've already 'teed-up' those options'. Whatever that is supposed to mean in presidential golf parlance!

Anyone one with a little imagination would surmise Obama meant in addition to enacting punitive economic (though illegal) sanctions against Russia, the U.S. President also consulted with the Pentagon to do what they do worst: spread their incessant wars, through regime change. More likely the scenario: the 'chicken hawks' in his State Department and the Pentagon already had those plans at the ready, decades ago. Now all that is required was to pull those DOD top secret files from the dusty shelves, dip in the slush jar and the U.S. military-industrial machismo democracy spreading machine was 'good to go'. Congress need not apply. Neither would they be apprised. Go it alone; business as usual.

Absent from my missive's title is the usual preface to that old but meaningful adage: 'Say what you mean'. Well, one could say that Obama fulfilled the first premise. Not so sure that he succeeded with the second part though. The problem lies with the operative word: 'All'. And given President Obama's status as Commander-in-Chief of the armed services as well the informal title of 'Leader of the Free World' by extension it seems right and just if any one private citizen or Member of Congress would hold Obama's 'feet to the fire' so to speak over that all inclusive 'All' word.

So far, that litmus test has not happened; not by the Congress; nor from the mainstream media; neither by the business and financial communities. Suffice it to say, that I've not read or heard everything reported in re Obama's rendering of that all important 'All' word. Moreover, in a democracy like the U.S. paradigm somewhere in that presidential 'all' litany you would expect to find at least one diplomatic option. One would also hope that 'diplomacy' sat atop the hierarchy of presidential priorities regarding solving the worsening crisis in Ukraine as well as those in other 'hot spots' around the globe.

And there is much historical precedent to embrace the diplomatic option, first and foremost. All one needs to do is re-visit the 1960's. During October of 1962 the young Kennedy Administration was in a similar position as Obama is today but much closer to home. The 'Cuban Missile Crisis' had the world on the brink of disaster, at the point of staring into the abyss. With both the U.S.S.R.'s and America's nuclear weapons already proliferating, the whole world was held hostage as the potentially deadly crisis 'played' out.

At the crisis' height, the two sides were well past the breaking point. Critical mass had already been reached when President John Kennedy authorized a naval blockade around Cuba. This high seas American maneuver, to many experts and scholars alike, was in fact a declaration of war on the Soviets. Their flotilla of navy war and supply ships was denied access to Cuba and forced to turn away. The Americans claimed that their enemy, Communist Cuba was building missile launch sites with hardware supplied by the Soviets. U.S. spy satellite imagery confirmed America's and Kennedy's worst fears.

Each passing day, for most people, meant that mankind was one step closer to a catastrophic nuclear conflagration. The world press feared that if indeed 'push came to shove' then for certain we all, wouldMean what you say

fall over the cliff into extinction; winners and losers included. Soon many media sources abandoned all hope for a solution. Some key players in the Administration were of the same persuasion; they urged American citizens to build 'fallout shelters' wherever they could afford to: basements, backyard, underground tunnels, etc.

The Kennedys (John and Attorney General Bobby) though eschewed the pessimists. Instead, they worked the problem. The Oval Office candles now burnt well past the midnight hour. Working tirelessly, the brothers pulled 'all nighters'; one time for a week straight. Their adversary, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev was a formidable foe; a feisty, desk pounding character and one not to be trifled with. No surprise; the always effusive Khrushchev in the past vowed to America, 'We will bury you'. However, under the present circumstances, he could not 'stand down', faced with the prospect, make that a certainty, the hardliners at the Kremlin would plot Khrushchev's immediate ouster if he capitulated to the young American President.

With that knowledge the Kennedys' discerned a novel strategy. Using a pragmatic 'lettered' approach they responded to Khrushchev's earlier conciliatory communiqué while ignoring the latter missive which was an ultimatum. Even though the Kennedy's were in a 'defensive mode', they took the moral high ground and conceded to Khrushchev's demand s to remove American missiles in Turkey. The Soviet leader sensed 'an out'. He agreed. Straight away Khrushchev ordered the dismantling of all Cuban missile installations.

There is a poignant message to be learned here. President Obama has made his intentions clear: he wants a positive legacy for his Presidency. And now that the GOP controls Congress after the mid-term elections, the prospects look dim for a good result from his domestic policies. Moreover, it is almost a certainty that the Affordable Care Act and his Immigration Amnesty Bill will wind up as dead ducks.

What better way is there to cement Obama's legacy than to invoke the 'Kennedy Option'? Doing so would bring his counterpart, Russian President Vladimir Putin back to the Minsk table for honest and productive discussions. More important, the world would breathe a sigh of relief and a major, protracted global recession could be avoided or at least shortened. So what if Putin keeps Crimea? It was Russia's all along.

And who knows? Maybe next year those good housekeeping folks over at Forbes Magazine may even bestow on him the honor of 'the world's most influential person'. And that achievement comes with a silver lining: President Putin would be denied the 'three-peat'.

Not holding my breath...



Source : english[dot]pravda[dot]ru

Friday, November 21, 2014

The Origin of the Baby New Year

Every year it's the same thing. Some diapered little baby is paraded around wearing a sash with the new year written on it. Who hasn't been to a New Year's Party that ended that way, huh? Okay, me neither. But the Baby New Year is still an iconic image that even popped up in a really bad sequel to Rudolph the Red-Nosed Baby. Usually in concert with the Baby New Year there is also a wizened old man with a ZZ Top beard. But this article isn't about that. It's about that naked baby.



The use of an infant as a symbol of the start of the new cycle that begins with the passage of the year dates back to ancient Greece. The festival of Dionysus, who was the god of wine, song and merriment let us not forget, was a big thing for the Greeks. No doubt the festival of Dionysus often ended long after the womenfolk had been sent to bed and each male reveler had left his male Greek friends behind to unsteadily walk home to the little woman.

Before these parties got down to the good stuff, however, it was the custom of the time to parade a newborn baby around in a basket. The baby was a symbol and a herald for fertility of the crops. (Probably just the crops since Greek style doesn't produce much in the way of offspring.

None so's you want to keep, anyway.) Across that big lake, the Egyptians were also fond of holding a ceremony of rebirth that involved the use of a young baby. In fact, there was a specific ceremonial ritual involving a young man and an older bearded man carrying a baby inside a basket that was discovered on the lid of a sarcophagus that is now on display in a museum.

The symbol of a Baby New Year was ubiquitous throughout the pagan religions so it should come as no surprise that the Catholic Church disallowed it for centuries. Finally, thanks to a fact that Bush seems incapable of grasping---that it is next to impossible to kill an idea that people cleave to with all their might---the Catholic Church gave in and allowed infants to be used in New Year celebrations. Okay, they made one adjustment. The Baby New Year was transformed from a pagan symbol into a symbol of the Baby Christ.

The contemporary image of the Baby New Year comes to us, like the Christmas tree, courtesy of those fun-loving, always-with-the-joke Germans. It was the Germans, you see, who first slapped a diaper on the Baby New Year. The newly diapered Baby New Year first cropped up in German woodcarving illustrations in the 1300s. When the German immigrants poured into Pennsylvania they brought with them the Christmas tree, Groundhog Day and our current image of the Baby New Year.