Thursday, January 12, 2017

This New Construction Kit Lets You Build Your Kid’s Rides!

Ever wanted to build a little ride-on cart or bike for your kid but just never knew where to start?

Normally these projects might mean flexing your carpentry and mechanic skills, but let’s face it: we all don’t have those skills to build something awesome and safe for the __kids (just yet anyway).

If you at least know how to wield an Allen key after all of your IKEA furniture-building experience, this construction set may be just right for you. Looks like building your toddler a little trike just got easier!

It’s almost like a super-sized Meccano kit that lets you make things that your __kids can actually ride on. Awesome!

Armed with an Allen key, Infento sets can let you build up to 12 rides for your child, making it an incredibly flexible construction kit that grows with your child from the ages of 0 to 10.

By having a single kit to build multiple vehicles, you eliminate the need to buy different sized trikes, scooters and bikes every year as your kids outgrow them. Infento encourages the whole family to think sustainably in this way, and to be creators and inventors of their own toys as other construction kits do.

My only concern would be making sure the loose bits of the kit are packed up properly after use – if having Lego stuck in your feet is a thing then I imagine stepping on large Infento bits will hurt just as much!

So who’s up for some Infento-ing? Check out the Infento website 

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