Friday, December 5, 2014

Would You 3D Print Your Own House?

Would you want to live in a 3D printed house?

We all know the crazy situation of house process in Australia at the moment –skyrocketing prices throughout the country are causing financial stress to many families. And there’s growing concern that by the time that our kids come to want to buy their own house – the great Australian dream of home ownership will be a thing of the past – and our kids will be renting forever.

But could a new innovation on home building create new opportunities for the next generation?

An Italian 3D printing company, World Advanced Saving Project (WASP) has come up with an ingenious new way of constructing new houses. 

Using a 3D printer called 'Delta’, they can build houses using only materials found onsite - such as mud. The ingenious printing process essentially uses mud as the ‘ink’ and is able to create a new full scale, simple dwelling, in a matter of weeks.

This incredible new innovation was showcased at the Rome Maker Fair in October this year. While not a full-scale model, (which will actually be 6 metres tall), WASP showed off a proof-of-concept scaled down version, which was able to print a mini-house in a matter of hours.

And WASP is not the only company that is printed 3D houses. Chinese firm WinSun Decoration Design Engineering Co, recently ‘printed’ 10 basic houses in just one day. The cost? Just over $5000 Aussie dollars apiece using a giant 3D printer and with the ‘ink’ in this case coming from recycled waste. A Dutch firm, DUS Architects, also aims to be creating completely 3D printed houses within three years.

David Parken, chief executive of the Institute of Architects, told the Australian Financial Review, “It’s definitely real, it’s in its embryonic stages, but when you have a country like China building as many houses as they have to build they will embrace the technology and move it along.”

So forget bricks and mortar, by the time our kids are looking down the barrel of home-ownership, it looks like there will be more options open to them than what’s on offer today. 

Would you trust a 3D printer to build your house?

Source : parents[dot]nickjr[dot]com[dot]au
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