Wednesday, April 8, 2015

App of The Week: iCan Count Money Australia

iCan Count Money Australia is an award winning app that’s been designed to teach kids about money and counting. 

What’s genius about it is the fact that it actually shows Australian money – not American – this is the only money app for kids we discovered that actually does this.

There are six different games within the app that are designed to show all sorts of different counting, maths and money skills. The games cover skills like recognising currency, adding and selecting correct change to pay items, addition and subtraction, and shopping skills.

The Good Bits: In a genius move, the developers of this app have made the music and sound effects within the app mutable - bless them and their regard for parental ears!

We like the wide age range that this app covers.

Preschoolers will be most suited to the “I can catch the coins” game, where they have to simply recognise and tap the coins as they float across the screen. Where older kids can sink their teeth into more complex addition and subtraction with games like, “I can pay in different ways” where they have to pay for things using different coin and note combinations.

We like the animation of the coins and notes – it creates a bit of fun and some hand eye stimulation, as kids have to drag, flip, pinch, rotate and flick coins in order to play.

The Not So Good Bits: Unfortunately the app is only available on iOS devices, and seeing as it’s the only Australian money app on the market – that is kind of a shame.

What It Teaches: The app covers addition, subtraction, counting, money recognition and overall money skills. Using Australian currency means this is actually relevant to Aussie kids and will assist in their recognition of real life money. 

Most Suitable Age Range: The app is designed for preschool age and up.

Tech Info: iOS only

How Much: $3.79

Source : nickjrparents[dot]com[dot]au
post from sitemap

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