Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Seoul to implement wider, ‘women only’ parking spaces


Seoul has recently revealed their plans t make their city more ‘female friendly’ – an initiative that will see the South Korean capital fork out more than $95 million in  an effort to make the busy metropole more lush for the ladies.

The Seoul Metropolitan Government has said that the city overhaul is designed to make females feel more comfortable, feel safer and more welcome in the city. While this is all good and well, there is one certain aspect of he re-design that has gotten some fiery feminists – in fact, all females – a little hot under the collar.

Part of the overhaul will include new parking spaces for women only. These spaces will be closer to shop entrances, better lit (so possible muggers won’t come too close) and will be MUCH wider than the other parking spaces. And now queue the ‘oh hell no!’ from women all across the globe…



While these parking spaces will look pretty – they will be painted pink and feature flowers (!) – it is kind of a slap in the face of any woman driver. Why? Because it is playing on the stereo type that women are naturally bad drivers. Once again, ‘oh hell no!’.

Women are, in fact, equal to men. I don’t understand why in the year 2014 women should still be treated differently. By all means, the wider parking spaces will actually be welcomed by both sexes. Wouldn’t it be nice for anyone – regardless of sex – to have a bit more space on either side to work with?

Yes, yes it would.

While I personally applaud the busy city’s plan to accommodate for the women, i.e better lighting and closer parking bays, perhaps they could have handled this specific situation differently. Because really, no one wants to be called sexist when the initial idea is actually brilliant.

Good on you, Seoul for thinking of women with regards to safety, but bad on you for taking things too far and ending up looking like sexist chauvinists.

Surely there can be a way to rectify this situation? Wider parking spaces for all!

Source: CarBuzz

Source : carblog[dot]co[dot]za

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