Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Parent Opinion: How A Facebook Post Can Ruin Your Life

Why are people still not learning? 

Poor Kaitlyn Walls. The single mum from Texas was on her way to her new job when she posted to Facebook:

"I start my new job today, but I absolutely hate working at day care. I just really hate being around a lot of kids."

Yeah. So she then lost her job… And got trolled and is now a bucketful of sad.

Why Kaitlyn, why? After months of job-hunting so you could support your young daughter, why would you be so careless? 

And then there are the nasty trolls, who can carry out cowardly, anonymous attacks on people they don’t know behind their screens.

"I had all these girls attacking me because I don't want to be around a lot of kids all the time. I actually cried. It really hurt me because I wasn't trying to offend anybody ever."

The Internet can be a cruel place. An innocent social media post meant for friends can take on a life of it’s own and we should all learn from poor Kaitlyn’s mistake. 

Kaitlyn lost her new job and then posted:

"Oh, man, I made a big mistake. I'm so sad. I feel like a failure here looking at my daughter crying because I'm afraid that I'm not going to be able to find a job because of my own stupidity."

Yes I bet you are sad. I also bet you won’t get another job for a while.

This is a great reminder to us all that any picture, post and tweet can be shared with anyone. 

Think before you post, people! 

Source : nickjrparents[dot]com[dot]au
post from sitemap

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